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Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands Typhoon Mangkhut

Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands

Peryòd Ensidan: Sep 10, 2018 - Sep 11, 2018

Dat Deklarasyon: Sep 29, 2018

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Local Information

Nouvèl & Laprès Lokal

Vizite paj Nouvèl & Laprès pou jwenn aktyalite, fich ransèyman, nòt laprès, ak lòt resous miltimedya.

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How to Apply

What to Bring with YouApply for FEMA Aid. Have this information ready when you apply: • Social Security number • Address of the damaged home or apartment • Description of the damage • Information about insurance coverage • Telephone number • Mailing address • Bank account & routing numbers for direct deposit of funds Web: Phone: 800-621-3362 (711/Video Relay Service) TTY: 800-462-7585. FEMA seal

To ensure a faster, more efficient application process, obtain the following information PRIOR to heading to the nearest Disaster Assistance designated site:

  • Social Security Number (one per household)
  • Address of the damaged home or apartment
  • Description of the damage
  • Information about insurance coverage (ensure you obtain policy no. information)
  • Telephone number
  • Mailing address
  • Bank account and routing numbers for direct deposit of funds


The Declaration includes both Individual Assistance and Public Assistance to help people and communities recover from Typhoon Mangkhut. 

Individual Assistance is provided by FEMA directly to eligible individuals and families who have sustained losses due to disasters.

Details regarding Individual Assistance:

  • Homeowners and renters on the islands of Rota, Saipan and Tinian who sustained damage to their primary homes, vehicles and personal property as a result of Typhoon Mangkhut may apply for disaster assistance.
  • Disaster assistance may include grants to help pay for temporary housing to include rental and lodging expense, emergency home repairs, uninsured and underinsured personal property losses, and medical, dental and funeral expenses caused by the disaster, along with other serious disaster-related expenses.
  • Disaster assistance grants are not taxable income and will not affect eligibility for Social Security, Medicaid, medical waiver programs, welfare assistance, Temporary Assistance for Needy Families, food stamps, Supplemental Security Income or Social Security Disability Insurance.
  • Low-interest disaster loans from the Small Business Administration (SBA) may be available for businesses of all sizes (including landlords), private non-profit organizations, homeowners and renters. Low-interest disaster loans help fund repairs or rebuilding efforts and cover the cost of replacing lost or disaster-damaged real estate and personal property. Economic Injury disaster loans are available to businesses and private nonprofits to assist with working capital needs as a direct result of the disaster.
  • Federal assistance is geared towards residents who incurred uninsured losses specifically related to Typhoon Mangkhut. A home inspection is part of the eligibility process. Residents will be contacted shortly after registration to arrange home inspection appointments.

The *best* method to register for disaster assistance in the CNMI is by visiting your nearest Disaster Recovery Center to ensure accurate physical addresses are reflected in FEMA’s system.

In addition to providing opportunities to register for disaster assistance, DRCs provide a location for disaster survivors to check the status of their applications, to submit documentation and to speak with representatives from other agencies that assist in disaster recovery, such as the Small Business Administration.


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Kouman pou Ede

Benevola ak Donasyon

Rekiperasyon an ka pran plizyè ane apre yon dezas. Gen anpil fason pou ede tankou bay donasyon kach, bay bagay moun bezwen oswa bay tan w. Aprann plis sou fason pou ede moun ki nan bezwen yo.

Pa al deplwaye pwòp tèt ou nan zòn dezas yo. Òganizasyon de konfyans nan zòn ki afekte yo konnen ki kote yo bezwen volontè yo. Travay ak yon òganizasyon ki etabli pou asire w ke ou gen sekirite apwopriye, fòmasyon ak konpetans ki nesesè pou reponn.

Ajans Lyezon Volontè FEMA (Voluntary Agency Liaisons, VALs)  bati relasyon ak kowòdone efò ak òganizasyon volontè, ki baze sou lafwa ak òganizasyon kominotè ki aktif lè gen katastwòf.

Fè Biznis ak FEMA

Si w enterese bay sèvis ak machandiz peye pou sekou pou katastwòf, vizite paj Fè Biznis ak FEMA nou an pou kòmanse.

Si ou posede yon biznis ki enplike nan retire debri epi ou swete patisipe nan efò netwayaj nan zòn ki afekte yo, tanpri kontakte gouvènman lokal la nan zòn ki afekte yo pou ofri sèvis ou yo.

Obligasyon Finansman

Asistans Endividyèl Montan
Total Asistans Lojman (Housing Assistance - HA) - Dola ki Apwouve $628,323.13
Total Asistans Lòt Bezwen (Other Needs Assistance - ONA) - Dola ki Apwouve $383,226.57
Total Pogram Endividyèl & Kay Dola ki Apwouve $1,011,549.70
Aplikasyon Asistans Endividyèl ki Apwouve 395
Asistans Piblik Montan
Travay Ijans (Kategori A-B) - Obligasyon Dola $888,204.12
Travay Pèmanan (Kategori C-G) – Obligasyon Dola $4,174,999.00
Total Dola pou Sibvansyon pou Asistans piblik ki angaje $5,656,856.10