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FEMA Strategic Foresight 2050

FEMA launched the Strategic Foresight 2050 initiative to better prepare the agency and the emergency management community for a future of unprecedented change and uncertainty.

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Strategic Foresight 2050 Report

The Strategic Foresight 2050 report is a rigorous and imaginative assessment of the challenges and opportunities facing the emergency management field in the next quarter-century.

It summarizes findings from a year-long strategic foresight initiative, which leveraged environmental scanning, future forecasting and workshopping with FEMA leadership and staff as well as federal, state, local, tribal, territorial, private and academic partners to identify strategic pathways forward in the face of uncertainty.

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FEMA launched the Strategic Foresight 2050 initiative to better understand and anticipate future possibilities. The initiative is intended to help the agency and its partners navigate complexity, mitigate risks and seize opportunities. Strategic foresight involves analyzing trends and developing multiple scenarios of how the future could unfold to inform strategy, policy and resourcing.

Strategic Foresight at FEMA

Foresight methodologies often vary depending on the mission and operating environment of a given organization. FEMA organized Strategic Foresight 2050 around five distinct phases.

  1. Framing sets the scope and boundaries of the strategic foresight initiative by defining its purpose, objectives and priorities – laying the foundation for subsequent steps.
  2. Scanning identifies external change signals through environmental scans to understand current trends, emerging issues and potential drivers of change in the organization's operating landscape.
  3. Forecasting develops future scenarios to stimulate creative thinking rather than serve as predictive tools. In this phase, FEMA developed four plausible futures set in the year 2050 by scanning for drivers of change across societal, technological, economic, environmental and political dimensions, while leveraging future trajectories adopted by the United Nations.
  4. Workshopping is a collaborative phase where stakeholders explore and discuss projected scenarios, using highly interactive activities. It leverages diverse perspectives, insights and expertise to generate robust data and ensure rigor in the strategic foresight process.
  5. Reporting documents and communicates the outcomes of the strategic foresight initiative. This includes synthesizing insights gained from previous phases, outlining key findings, recommending strategies and identifying implications for decision-making within the organization.

Information and scenarios on this page do not represent a FEMA or U.S. government forecast of the future.