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Set Main Alert Location
Here is how you set a new alert main location on the FEMA App.
Step 1.
To add alerts for a new main location, go to the home screen. Click “Add a location” under your name on the home screen.

Step 2.
You are now in the “Your Main Location” screen. Type the first four letters of the city, or enter your zip code, for where you want alerts. For this example, we have entered “Silver Spring.”
Once you have added your location, an automatically generated list will appear. It is important to click on one of the boxes with a location that appears to complete the location and have it recognized by the app. If you only type in the name of your city and don’t select it from the list that follows, it will not work.

Step 3.
In this case, the main location is “Silver Spring, MD”.

Step 4.
Click the “Alert Preferences” button underneath the Location.

Step 5.
You have now arrived at a screen where you can customize your alerts.
You will see a screen with toggle switches set to “on,” which automatically selected the most frequently used alert types. For now, we will leave the default alerts on. (You can learn how to Turn Alert Categories On and Off later.)
Select the back arrow in the top left corner to go back to the Main Location screen.

Step 6.
You are back on the “Your Main Location” screen. Click the “Close” button at the bottom.

Step 7.
You are now back on the FEMA App home screen with locations set and saved for alerts.

You might decide to reset your main location.
You can now set additional other locations, if wanted.