Reset Main Location
Here is how to reset the main location on the FEMA App.
Step 1.
On the home screen, click on the Settings icon in the top right corner.

Step 2.
If want to delete the main location you set and enter a different location, click on “Locations and Alerts” under “More Settings.”

Step 3.
You should see the screen with your ‘Main Location’ you have picked. Click “Manage” in the upper right corner.

Step 4.
If you want to delete the main location, on this “Alert Settings” screen, select and click the “Delete” next to the location you wish to delete.

Step 5.
On the “Are you sure?” pop-up, click “OK” to delete that location.

Step 6.
Click the arrow in the upper left corner. It will take you back to the “Locations and Alerts” screen.

Step 7.
Click on “Add your main location” and repeat steps 2-7 on that page to finish setting the location.

Step 8.
When you are done, click the top left arrow to return to “Settings.”

Step 9.
Click the arrow in the upper left corner to take you to the home screen.

Step 10.
You are now back on the FEMA App home screen with main location set and saved for alerts.

You can now set additional other locations, if wanted.