Grants Management Technical Assistance

This digital resource library includes independent learning tools intended for state, local, tribal, and territorial governments and others with federal grants management responsibilities.

FEMA’s Grants Management Technical Assistance (GMTA) program administers this library, which includes fact sheets, infographics, self-guided mini-lessons, recorded webinars and more.

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Check back often, as we'll be updating this site on a regular basis.

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General Information

Reference 2 CFR 200 for federal regulations pertaining to grant administration.

Additional FEMA Grant Tools
View other FEMA grant tools such as the authorized equipment list, benefit-cost analysis, information bulletins and environmental requirements.

Fundamentals of Grants Management Course

Current FEMA grant recipients, sub-recipients, and individuals with less than five years of grant experience are encouraged to explore the life cycle of a federal grant by enrolling in the 0705 Fundamentals of Grants Management course. The course, offered in-person and virtually, is designed to help participants improve their grants management skills from pre-award to closeout.

For course dates, please review the training schedule here.

How to Apply

To apply review the registration instructions here. Visit the EMI online application system to register.

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Contact GPD Training for questions about the course, or other trainings on this page.

Grants Management Technical Assistance Library

Illustration of a hand holding a pen and checking items off a list on a notepad
Before You Apply

Illustration of computer screen with a cursor hovering over a submit button
When You Apply

Illustration of a calendar with a dollar sign circled on an unspecified date
After You Apply

To find resources relevant to your work, filter by "Grant Lifecycle Stage" or search by keyword below.

Grants Reporting Tool (GRT) and the Biannual Strategy Implementation Report (BSIR)

Illustration of a Computer a Calendar with a dollar sign circled in red

This video resource will introduce you to the Grants Reporting Tool and the Biannual Strategy Implementation Report (BSIR). It includes a step-by-step guide to completing and submitting the BSIR and common best practices with a walkthrough on how to submit the final BSIR.

FEMA Suspension & Debarment FAQs

Illustration of a Computer Screen with a checked button and mouse arrow

This FEMA Suspension & Debarment FAQs document provides information about the Nonprocurement Common Rule, or 2 CFR 180, how to determine if an entity is suspended or debarred, when and how to report nonprocurement, and further contact information and resources.

Environmental & Historic Preservation (EHP) Guidance

Illustration of a Computer a Calendar with a dollar sign circled in red

The EHP Guidance page provides information planning for compliance with EHP-related laws and grant preparations resources such as checklists, guidebooks, trainings and more.

Preparedness Grants Application Process

Illustration of a hand writing notes with checkmarks

The Preparedness Grants Application Process page provides information on getting ready, reading a funding notice section by section, and submitting your application for a preparedness grant. This page also includes multiple resource links and contact information.

The Grant Lifecycle

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The Grant Lifecycle page on provides information on the grant process, which follows a linear lifecycle and includes creating the funding opportunity, applying, making award decisions, and successfully implementing the award.

How to Apply for Grants

Illustration of a hand writing notes with checkmarks

The How to Apply for Grants page provides information on each step of the process from eligibility to submitting and tracking your grant application.

SF-428-B (Tangible Personal Property Final Report)

Illustration of a Computer a Calendar with a dollar sign circled in red

SF-428-B (Tangible Personal Property Final Report) is a standard form used to collect information related to tangible personal property (equipment and supplies) when required by a federal financial assistance award.

Form SF-429 (Real Property Status Report)

Illustration of a Computer a Calendar with a dollar sign circled in red

Form SF-429 (Real Property Status Report) is a standard report to be used by recipients of federal financial assistance to report real property status or to request agency instructions on real property that was/will be provided as Government Furnished Property (GFP) or acquired (i.e., purchased or constructed) in whole or in part under a federal financial assistance award.

Last updated