Stay in Touch. It’s up to you.
FEMA often needs to contact an applicant to complete an application, make an appointment for a virtual inspection or to confirm a continuing need for a temporary housing solution. A phone call is made to the number you gave when you filled out your application.
If you registered for disaster assistance with FEMA, be sure to “stay in touch”. If you changed your address or phone number — even temporarily — please update that information with FEMA. Missing or incorrect information could result in delays in receiving assistance. It’s a good idea to provide a secondary contact phone number — both a cell phone and a land line number (if you have one). You should contact FEMA if you have any questions about eligibility messages from FEMA.
If you think you should have heard from FEMA, have additional information to add to your file, or just want to see how your application is progressing, contact FEMA to be sure.
Applicants using a relay service such as videophone, InnoCaption or CapTel, should provide the specific number assigned to that service. It is important that FEMA can contact you, and you should be aware phone calls from FEMA may come from an unidentified number.
If you have any questions, you can always call the FEMA Helpline at 800-621-3362 (TTY 800-462-7585).
You can also visit to update your online account if you created one.
Before the next storm, the deaf community is encouraged to view “Preparing Makes Sense for People with Disabilities and Other Access and Functional Needs - YouTube”, a FEMA video presented in English and ASL.
For the latest information on Hurricane Laura, visit Louisiana Hurricane Laura (DR-4559-LA). For the latest on Hurricane Delta, visit Louisiana Hurricane Delta (DR-4570-LA). For the latest on Hurricane Zeta, visit Louisiana Hurricane Zeta (DR-4577-LA). For the latest information on the Winter Storm, visit Louisiana Severe Winter Storms (DR-4590-LA). Or, follow the FEMA Region 6 Twitter account at FEMA Region 6 (@FEMARegion6) / Twitter.