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B.4. Subaward Implementation

Applicants and subapplicants must submit documentation to FEMA to support that they accomplished all activities listed in their project scoping/advance assistance application.

B.4.1. Program Reporting and Monitoring

Post-award monitoring helps ensure that subapplicants/subrecipients are achieving the objectives of the federal award consistent with the performance goals and milestones described in the subaward.

To assist the recipient in monitoring project scoping/advance assistance activities, the following milestone information or events (if appropriate) should be included in Quarterly Progress Reports:

  • If the subrecipient is acquiring contract support, the subrecipient should report when the request for proposal is completed, when the contract is out for bid, when the bid period closes, when proposals are reviewed, when the contractor is selected and the date of the kickoff meeting.
  • Public meetings and or public comment periods that have been planned or completed.
  • Any other milestones that have been identified in the subapplication or agreed to or are required by the recipient.

B.4.2. Budget and Scope of Work Changes

Recipients are required to report deviations from budget, project scope or objectives in accordance with Part 8. Recipients must request prior approvals from FEMA for budget and program plan revisions.[357]
