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Region 4






FEMA Region 4 office — located in Atlanta, GA, with a Federal Regional Center in Thomasville, GA — partners with federal emergency management for eight states and six Tribal Nations.


Visit the state's page for localized content, such as disaster recovery centers, flood maps, fact sheets, jobs and other resources.


A stock figure of a man

Regional Administrator

A stock figure of a man

Deputy Regional Administrator

Region 4 Resources

Environmental Requirements to Apply for FEMA Funding

When a community applies for FEMA funding — such as Public Assistance, Hazard Mitigation Assistance or Preparedness Grants — potential impacts to the environment and cultural resources must be considered.

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NOTE: Environmental requirements do not apply to individuals and families applying for assistance.

Find Your Flood Map

Risk Mapping, Assessment and Planning (Risk MAP) is a national FEMA program that works with states, tribes, territories and local communities to evaluate and better understand their current flood risk, as well as the actions that can be taken to mitigate and become more resilient against future risk.

Contact Us

Regional News and Information

FEMA 将于3月22日周六上午9点至下午5点在阿普林县以下地点举办住房资源展会: EMA/EMS Building 509 Maple Drive Vidalia, GA 30474
illustration of page of paper 新闻发布 | Published:
联邦紧急事务管理局(FEMA)已批准额外拨款$ 130 万美元,用于补偿佛罗里达州各社区在飓风米尔顿(Milton)、海伦(Helene)和黛比(Debby)之后开展的应急工作
illustration of page of paper 新闻发布 | Published:
illustration of page of paper 新闻发布 | Published:
FEMA 援助可能会帮助那些因为房屋被热带风暴海伦损坏而无法返回的房主和租户。房屋检查后,您可能有资格获得租金援助。这适用于目前住在 FEMA 支付的酒店中的申请人以及之前获得过重新安置援助的申请人。
illustration of page of paper 情况说明书 | Published:
1000 多名联邦紧急事务管理局(FEMA)工作人员仍在佛罗里达州当地帮助幸存者从飓风米尔顿、海伦和黛比中恢复过来。联邦紧急事务管理局将继续处理申请、接收和管理上诉、进行检查,并帮助申请人和地方官员解决有关恢复计划的问题和信息。
illustration of page of paper 新闻发布 | Published: