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Region 4






FEMA Region 4 office — located in Atlanta, GA, with a Federal Regional Center in Thomasville, GA — partners with federal emergency management for eight states and six Tribal Nations.


Visit the state's page for localized content, such as disaster recovery centers, flood maps, fact sheets, jobs and other resources.


Robert Samaan

Region 4 Administrator

Robert P. Ashe

Region 4 Deputy Administrator (Acting)

Region 4 Resources

Environmental Requirements to Apply for FEMA Funding

When a community applies for FEMA funding — such as Public Assistance, Hazard Mitigation Assistance or Preparedness Grants — potential impacts to the environment and cultural resources must be considered.

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NOTE: Environmental requirements do not apply to individuals and families applying for assistance.

Find Your Flood Map

Risk Mapping, Assessment and Planning (Risk MAP) is a national FEMA program that works with states, tribes, territories and local communities to evaluate and better understand their current flood risk, as well as the actions that can be taken to mitigate and become more resilient against future risk.

Contact Us

Regional News and Information

现在,居住在肯塔基州指定县内的 4 月 2 日严重风暴幸存者可以更轻松地同时申请 FEMA 援助和美国小企业管理局 (SBA) 的受灾贷款。
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申请灾后援助不会影响您可能获得的其他联邦福利。如果您在 4 月 2 日发生的严重风暴、直线风、龙卷风、山体滑坡和泥石流中遭受损失,并且您居住在博伊德县、卡特县、法耶特县、格林纳普县、亨利县、杰斐逊县、杰西明县、梅森县、奥尔德姆县、尤尼恩县或惠特利县,请立即申请 FEMA 援助。
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FEMA 个人援助适用于肯塔基州租房者(包括学生)以及博伊德、卡特、费耶特、格林纳普、亨利、杰斐逊、杰萨曼、梅森、奥尔德姆、联合和惠特利县因地震而遭受损失的房主4 月 2 日 强风暴、直线风、龙卷风、山体滑坡和泥石流。
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FEMA 正在卡特县开设一个灾后恢复中心,以帮助在 4 月 2 日的严重风暴、直线风、龙卷风、山体滑坡和泥石流中遭受损失的肯塔基州幸存者。
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要获得联邦援助,4 月 2 日严重风暴、直线风、龙卷风、山体滑坡和泥石流的灾难幸存者必须是美国公民、非公民国民或符合条件的非公民。移民身份各异的无证家庭只需有一名家庭成员(包括未成年子女)是美国公民、非美国公民或符合条件的非公民,并拥有社会安全号码即可申请。
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