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Region 2






The FEMA Region 2 office, located in New York, NY, partners with federal emergency management for eight Tribal Nations and four states/territories.

States and Territories

Visit the state/territory's page for localized content, such as disaster recovery centers, flood maps, fact sheets, jobs and other resources.


A stock figure of a man

Acting Regional Administrator

A stock figure of a man

Acting Deputy Regional Administrator

Region 2 Resources

Ten adults in business casual clothes jumping in the air and laughing in front of brightly colored art.

“Make a Difference” Recruitment Initiative

FEMA's “Make a Difference” recruitment initiative is partnering with regional colleges and universities to match more than 300 students and alumni from a broad range of disciplines to fill vacancies in our Region 2 locations.

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因为飓风海琳而导致私人水井无法取水或化粪池系统受损的北卡罗来纳州居民可能有资格获得 FEMA 援助。
illustration of page of paper 情况说明书 | Published:
纽约 (New York):在飓风艾达 (Hurricane Ida) 的后期影响破坏了纽约州的房屋、企业和基础设施八个月之后,联邦紧急事务管理局(以下简称为“FEMA”)、美国小企业管理局 (Small Business Administration) 和国家洪水保险计划 (National Flood Insurance Program) 已批准了近八亿美元的资助,帮助纽约州居民的灾后恢复和重建。
illustration of page of paper 新闻发布 | Published:
纽约州 (New York) — 联邦紧急事务管理局 (FEMA) 已为拿骚县 (Nassau County) 的提克瓦教堂 (Temple Tikvah) 提供了近 335,000 美元 ($335,000) 的援助, 用于补偿在飓风艾达 (Hurricane Ida) 后与紧急保护措施相关的费用。这只是 FEMA 为帮助纽约州的礼拜场所进行恢复和重建而采取的其中一步。
illustration of page of paper 新闻发布 | Published:
在 2021 年 9 月 1 日至 3 日期间因飓风艾达 (Hurricane Ida) 后期影响而遭受财产损失或损坏的奥兰治县 (Orange) 的房主和租房者,必须在 1 月 31 日星期一之前申请联邦救灾援助。
illustration of page of paper 情况说明书 | Published:
纽约州 (New York) — 自飓风艾达 (Hurricane Ida) 后期影响对纽约州的住房、企业和基础设施造成损失以来,已经四个月了过去了。迄今为止,联邦紧急事务管理局(简称为“FEMA”)、美国小企业管理局 (U.S. Small Business Administration) 和国家洪水保险计划已拨款近五亿美元,帮助纽约居民的救灾恢复和重建。
illustration of page of paper 新闻发布 | Published: