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Region 2






The FEMA Region 2 office, located in New York, NY, partners with federal emergency management for eight Tribal Nations and four states/territories.

States and Territories

Visit the state/territory's page for localized content, such as disaster recovery centers, flood maps, fact sheets, jobs and other resources.


A stock figure of a man

Acting Regional Administrator

A stock figure of a man

Acting Deputy Regional Administrator

Region 2 Resources

Ten adults in business casual clothes jumping in the air and laughing in front of brightly colored art.

“Make a Difference” Recruitment Initiative

FEMA's “Make a Difference” recruitment initiative is partnering with regional colleges and universities to match more than 300 students and alumni from a broad range of disciplines to fill vacancies in our Region 2 locations.

Start Your Career

Use the search filters below to browse content tailored to help Region 2 prepare for, respond to and recover from disasters.

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Dezole, pa gen okenn rezilta ki koresponn ak chwa filt ou yo.
Tanpri remete filtè a a zewo oswa modifye chwa ou yo epi eseye ankò.

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Hurricane Maria News Desk
Puerto Rico

Regional News and Information

FEMA nan tèt kole ak gouvènman an Zile Vyèj Etazini (Government of the U.S. Virgin Islands, GVI) an ak Biwo Retablisman apre Katastwòf nan Zile Vyèj (Virgin Islands Office of Disaster Recovery, ODR) anonse plizyè angajman ki fenk pran pou bay finansman siplemantè pou ede teritwa a rekanpe sou de pye l apre siklòn Irma epi Maria a. Yo debloke yon montan 161.5 milyon dola pou fè reparasyon ak ranplasman antèn kominikasyon sou Zile Sent Kwa, Sen Toma, ak zile Sen Jan, 205,9 milyon dola pou soutni ranpolasman inite pwodiksyon nan santral elektrik Randolph Harley nan Sen Toma, ak 661 milyon dola pou ranplase tibin ak jeneratè nan santral elektrik Richmond an nan Sent Kwa.
illustration of page of paper Nòt Laprès | Published:
FEMA ap chèche elèv ki nan klas 8yèm ane rive nan 11yèm ane nan Zile Vyèj Ameriken yo ki fèm nan navige yon chemen nan direksyon lidèchip nan kominote yo pou aplike pou yon opòtinite pou rantre nan Konsèy Preparasyon Jèn yo. Konsèy la rasanble adolesan atravè nasyon an ki enterese nan preparasyon epi k ap chèche devlope rezo ki pral nouri siksè yo nan lavni.
illustration of page of paper Nòt Laprès | Published:
Soti nan tradisyon tankou dekore yon plant sèk ki gen syèk, anfilaj òneman ak limyè alantou yon pyebwa ink berry oswa yon touch modèn nan dekorasyon klere tou sou yon sapen enpòte Nò Ameriken - anpil nan nou jwi de limyè nan jou ferye yo. Se vcvcon tan fèt nan ane a. Kit wap tande "Ma Ma bake your Johnny Cake" pa Stanley ak Dis Sleepless Knights oswa rasanble ak fanmi pou yon Old Time Crucian Nwèl, jou ferye yo prezante yon bon moman pou detant nan lavi chak jou. Menmsi nou pa dwe diminye sou vijilans nou lè li kesyon de sekirite.
illustration of page of paper Nòt Laprès | Published:
Soti nan boure pòmdetè pou rive nan kodenn oswa kabrit Curry rive nan rès manje, tout moun gen yon meni dine Karayib Aksyon de gras li pi renmen. Pandan w ap planifye repa jou ferye w yo, swiv konsèy sa yo sou kodenn ki soti nan FEMA ak Ajans Jesyon Ijans Teritwa Vyèj. Yo pral ede w kenbe dine Aksyon de gras ou a bon gou ak an sekirite.
illustration of page of paper Nòt Laprès | Published:
Plizyè patnè kominotè atravè Zile Vyèj Etazini yo ap kapab ranfòse sekirite ak pwoteksyon yo gras ak sibvansyon FEMA yo. An total, yon ti kras plis pase $1 milyon te atribye bay tanp adorasyon ak òganizasyon kominotè atravè yon pwosesis aplikasyon konpetitif. Sibvansyon sa yo pral finanse amelyorasyon estriktirèl pou pwoteje enstitisyon sa yo kont menas.
illustration of page of paper Nòt Laprès | Published: