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Region 2






The FEMA Region 2 office, located in New York, NY, partners with federal emergency management for eight Tribal Nations and four states/territories.

States and Territories

Visit the state/territory's page for localized content, such as disaster recovery centers, flood maps, fact sheets, jobs and other resources.


A stock figure of a man

Region 2 Administrator

A stock figure of a man

Region 2 Deputy Administrator

Region 2 Resources

Ten adults in business casual clothes jumping in the air and laughing in front of brightly colored art.

“Make a Difference” Recruitment Initiative

FEMA's “Make a Difference” recruitment initiative is partnering with regional colleges and universities to match more than 300 students and alumni from a broad range of disciplines to fill vacancies in our Region 2 locations.

Start Your Career

Use the search filters below to browse content tailored to help Region 2 prepare for, respond to and recover from disasters.

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Hurricane Maria News Desk
Puerto Rico

Regional News and Information

ST. CROIX, Zile Vyèj Ameriken yo – Dènyè angajman $3.2 bilyon dola pou pwojè rekonstriksyon sistèm distribisyon dlo potab la ak kouch asfalt nan St. Croix ansanm ak ranplasman enfrastrikti kontaj sèvis piblik yo nan Zile Vyèj Ameriken yo, mete aksan sou patenarya kontinyèl FEMA avèk Gouvènman Zile Vyèj yo pou ranfòse enfrastrikti enpòtan ki te domaje pandan siklòn Irma ak Maria nan mwa Septanm 2017 la.
illustration of page of paper Nòt Laprès | Published:
ST. CROIX, U.S. Virgin Islands – Sèt ane pase depi siklòn Irma ak Maria te afekte Zile Vyèj Ameriken yo, epi FEMA rete fèm nan angajman l pou l bay teritwa a asistans finansye pandan l ap kontinye pwosesis rekonstriksyon an. Rekiperasyon alontèm mande pou kowòdinasyon ak kolaborasyon kontinye pami plizyè patnè federal ak teritoryal.
illustration of page of paper Nòt Laprès | Published:
Sezon siklòn nan k ap rive nan Atlantik la ak tanpèt twopikal Ernesto ki sot pase pa twò lontan sou Zile Vyèj Etazini yo, toude evènman sa yo moutre jan li enpòtan pou w prepare w pou evènman siklòn yo ki kapab afekte ou menm ak fanmi w.
illustration of page of paper Nòt Laprès | Published:
FEMA te anonse jodi a ke asistans federal pou katastwòf disponib pou Zile Vyèj Ameriken yo pou konplete efò repons akòz kondisyon ijans ki soti nan Tanpèt Twopikal Ernesto apati 13 out 2024, epi k ap kontinye.
illustration of page of paper Nòt Laprès | Published:
ZILE VYÈJ AMERIKEN - Apre Tanpèt Twopikal Ernesto, FEMA ak Ajans Jesyon Ijans Teritwa Zil Vyèj yo raple rezidan Zile Vyèj yo ak vizitè yo pou yo rete an sekirite, swiv konsèy ofisyèl lokal yo, epi pou yo pare pou posib pann kouran. Kòm toujou, manm kominote a ta dwe kenbe pwovizyon ijans tankou flach ak manje ki pa gate toupre. Fè envantè atik ou bezwen yo ki depann sou elektrisite epi planifye pou sous enèji altènatif tankou pil, yon chajè pòtab oswa yon bank alimantasyon.
illustration of page of paper Nòt Laprès | Published: