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Additional South Dakota Counties Approved for FEMA Assistance

PIERRE – FEMA has approved assistance for three South Dakota counties for the winter storm that occurred in December 2022 and was approved for a major disaster by President Biden on Feb. 27, 2023.

Ziebach County has been approved for funding under FEMA’s Public Assistance Program.  Jackson County and Oglala Lakota County have been approved for snow removal assistance in addition to their prior approval for the Public Assistance Program.  Snow Removal assistance funding allows for local jurisdictions to be reimbursed for costs for a 48-hour period of snow removal activities.

The FEMA Public Assistance program provides funding to governmental agencies and certain private non-profits for eligible disaster response costs and to repair or replace damaged public infrastructure. For more information about the Public Assistance program, visit: The program provides a 75 percent federal cost share, with remaining costs being covered by the state and local recipient.

To date, the Public Assistance program has been approved for Bennett, Brookings, Clark, Day, Deuel, Hamlin, Jackson, Jones, Kingsbury, Mellette, Oglala Lakota, Potter, Roberts, Stanley, Todd, Tripp, and Ziebach Counties. Snow Assistance has been approved for Bennett, Jackson, Jones, Mellette, Oglala Lakota, Stanley, Todd, and Tripp Counties.
