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FEMA Approves Additional Counties for Public Assistance Funding

Helena, Mont. – The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) approved Montana’s request for Sweet Grass, Treasure, and Yellowstone counties to receive Public Assistance following the severe storms and flooding event that began on June 10, 2022.

With this addition, Federal funding is now available to state, tribal, eligible local governments and certain private nonprofit organizations on a cost-sharing basis for emergency work, debris removal and the repair or replacement of facilities damaged by the severe storms and flooding in Sweet Grass, Treasure, Yellowstone, Carbon, Park and Stillwater counties.

Applicants that may be eligible for Public Assistance include:

  • Local governments, special districts and state recognized tribes or nations in the declared area
  • Certain nonprofits or institutions that conduct activities of a government nature and are open to the public
  • Houses of worship
  • Federally recognized tribes
  • State government agencies

Additional designations may be made at a later date if requested by the State and warranted by the results of further damage assessments.

For more information about FEMA’s support to Montana’s flooding and severe storms recovery, visit 4655 | Follow the FEMA Region 8 Twitter account at
