FEMA's Hazard Mitigation Assistance grant programs are provided to eligible applicant states/tribes/territories that, in turn, provide sub-grants to local governments.
The applicant selects and prioritizes applications developed and submitted to them by local jurisdictions to submit to FEMA for grant funds.
Prospective sub-applicants should consult the official designated point of contact for their applicant state/tribe/territory for further information regarding specific program and application requirements.
Contacts by State or Territory
State/Territory | Website | Contact | Address |
Alabama | Alabama Emergency Management Agency | Michael Johnson Phone: (205) 280-2316 Mitigation@ema.alabama.gov saferoom@ema.alabama.gov | Alabama Emergency Management Agency Post Office Drawer 2160 Clanton, Alabama 35046-2160 |
Alaska | Alaska Division of Homeland Security & Emergency Management | Garrett Brooks Phone: (907) 428-7085 (Direct) Fax: (907) 428-7009 garrett.brooks@alaska.gov General inbox: Mvamitigation@alaska.gov | Department of Military and Veterans Affairs Division of Homeland Security and Emergency Management P.O Box 5750 JBER, Alaska 99505-5750 |
American Samoa | Office of Disaster Assistance and Petroleum Management | Sandi Tonumaipea Phone: (684) 699-6481 Sandi.tonumaipea@odapm.as.gov | Office of Disaster Assistance and Petroleum Management PO Box 997653 Pago Pago, American Samoa 96799 |
Arizona | Arizona Department of Emergency and Military Affairs | Destiny Colorado Mitigation@azdema.gov | Arizona Department of Emergency and Military Affairs Division of Emergency Management 5636 E. McDowell Road Building #M5101 Phoenix, Arizona 85008 |
Arkansas | Arkansas Division of Emergency Management | Lacye Blake Phone: (501) 683-6724 Fax: (501) 683-7890 Lacye.Blake@adem.arkansas.gov | Lacye Blake: Department of Emergency Management Building #9501 Camp JT Robinson North Little Rock, Arkansas 72199-9600 |
California | California Office of Emergency Services | Ron Miller Phone: (916) 328-7450 HMA@caloes.ca.gov Robyn Fennig Phone: (916) 328-7450 Robyn.Fennig@caloes.ca.gov HMA@caloes.ca.gov | California Governor's Office of Emergency Services 3650 Shriever Avenue Mather, California 95655 |
Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands | Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands Homeland Security and Emergency Management | Elizabeth S. Balajadia Phone: (670) 664-2402 Elizabeth.Balajadia@gov.mp | Office of the Governor, P.O. Box 825 Saipan, MP 96950 |
Colorado | Colorado Department of Public Safety, Division of Homeland Security & Emergency Management | Mark W. Thompson Phone: (720) 852-6600 Fax: (720) 852-6600 markw.thompson@state.co.us | State Hazard Mitigation Officer Office of Emergency Management Colorado Division of Homeland Security & Emergency Management 9195 E. Mineral Ave. Centennial, CO 80112 |
Connecticut | Department of Emergency Services & Public Protection | Ken Dumais Phone: (860) 250-2472 Kenneth.dumais@ct.gov | Connecticut Department of Emergency Services and Public Protection Division of Emergency Management and Homeland Security 1111 County Club Road Hartford, Connecticut 06457 |
Delaware | Delaware Emergency Management Agency | Phillip Cane Office: (302) 659-2325 Cell: (302) 505-0904 Phillip.cane@delaware.gov | Natural Hazards Mitigation State Hazard Mitigation Officer Delaware Emergency Management Agency 165 Brick Store Landing Road Smyrna, Delaware 19977 |
District of Columbia | District of Columbia Homeland Security & Emergency Management Agency | Vermecia Alsop Phone: (202) 313-8765 vermecia.alsop@dc.gov | DC Homeland Security and Emergency Management Agency 2720 Martin Luther King, Jr. Avenue, SE Washington, DC 20032 |
Florida | Florida Division of Emergency Management | Laura Dhuwe Laura.Dhuwe@em.myflorida.com Residential mitigation questions can be directed to: ResidentialMitigation@em.myflorida.com | Florida Division of Emergency Management 2555 Shumard Oak Boulevard Tallahassee, Florida 32399 |
Georgia | Georgia Emergency Management & Homeland Security Agency | Stephen Clark Phone: (404) 635-4573 Cell: (404) 217-3942 stephen.clark@gema.ga.gov | Georgia Emergency Management and Homeland Security Agency P.O. Box 18055 Atlanta, GA 30316-0055 |
Guam | Guam Homeland Security, Office of Civil Defense | Ronald Obispo Phone: (671) 797-1052 Ronald.Obispo@ghs.guam.gov | Guam Homeland Security 221B Chalan Palasyo Agana Heights, Guam 96910 |
Hawaii | Hawaii Emergency Management Agency | Kelsey Yamanaka Phone: (808) 983-2570 HIEMA.HMGrants@hawaii.gov kelsey.a.yamanaka@hawaii.gov | Hawaii Emergency Management Agency 4202 A Diamond Head Road Honolulu, Hawaii 96816 |
Idaho | Idaho Military Division / Idaho Office of Emergency Management | Susan Cleverley Phone: (208) 258-6545 scleverley@imd.idaho.gov | Idaho Office of Emergency Management 4040 Guard St. Bldg. 600, Rm 222 Boise, Idaho 83705-5004 |
Illinois | Illinois Emergency Management Agency | Zachary Krug Phone: (217) 524-6513 Zachary.Krug@Illinois.gov | Illinois Emergency Management Agency 1035 Outer Park Drive Springfield, Illinois 62704 |
Indiana | Indiana Department of Homeland Security | Ashley Steeb Phone: (317) 234-8426 Fax: (317) 232-4987 assteeb@dhs.in.gov | Indiana Department of Homeland Security Indiana Government Center South 302 West Washington Street, Room E-208A Indianapolis, Indiana 46204-2767 |
Iowa | Iowa Homeland Security & Emergency Management Department | Mathew Noble Phone: (515) 321-8528 Mathew.Noble@iowa.gov | Recovery Division Iowa Homeland Security and Emergency Management Department 7900 Hickman Road, Suite 500 Windsor Heights, Iowa 50324 |
Kansas | Homeland Security Emergency Operations | Jeanne Bunting Phone: (785) 646-2307 Fax: (785) 274-1426 jeanne.l.bunting.nfg@mail.mil | State Hazard Mitigation Officer Kansas Division of Emergency Management 2800 Southwest Topeka Blvd. Topeka, Kansas 66611-1287 |
Kentucky | Kentucky Division of Emergency Management | Geni Jo Brawner Phone: (502) 607-5797 Mobile: (502) 330-7537 Fax: (502) 607-5740 geneva.j.brawner.nfg@army.mil | State Hazard Mitigation Officer Kentucky Division of Emergency Management Boone National Guard Center 100 Minuteman Parkway Frankfort, Kentucky 40601 |
Louisiana | Governor’s Office of Homeland Security & Emergency Preparedness | Jeffrey Giering Phone: (225) 932-6300 jeffrey.giering@la.gov | Louisiana Governor’s Office of Homeland Security & Emergency Preparedness 7667 Independence Blvd. Baton Rouge, Louisiana 70806 |
Maine | Maine Emergency Management Agency | Heather Dumais Phone: (207) 441-9510 Heather.Dumais@maine.gov | Maine Emergency Management Agency 45 Commerce Drive Augusta, ME 04333 |
Maryland | Maryland Department of Emergency Management | Caitlin Whiteleather Phone: (410) 702-3874 Caitlin.Whiteleather@Maryland.gov | Maryland State NCR Program Manager Acting State Hazard Mitigation Officer Executive Office Maryland Department of Emergency Management 5401 Rue Saint Lo Drive Reisterstown, MD 21136 |
Massachusetts | Massachusetts Emergency Management Agency | Shelly O'Toole Phone: (508) 820-1443 michelle.otoole@mass.gov | Massachusetts Emergency Management Agency 400 Worcester Road Framingham, Massachusetts 01702 |
Michigan | Michigan State Police Department / Emergency Management & Homeland Security Division | Matt Schnepp Phone: (517) 284-3950 Fax: (517) 284-3857 schneppm1@michigan.gov | Emergency Management and Homeland Security Division Michigan State Police PO Box 30634 Lansing, Michigan 48909 |
Minnesota | Minnesota Department of Public Safety, Division of Homeland Security & Emergency Management | Angela Wynn Phone: (651) 201-7496 hazard.mitigation@state.mn.us | Minnesota Department of Public Safety Homeland Security and Emergency Management 445 Minnesota Street, Suite 223 St. Paul, Minnesota 55101-6223 |
Mississippi | Mississippi Office of Homeland Security Agency | Jana Henderson Phone: (601) 933-6636 jhenderson@mema.ms.gov | Mississippi Emergency Management Agency P.O. Box 5644 Pearl, Mississippi 39208 |
Missouri | Missouri Office of Homeland Security / Department of Public Safety | Heidi Carver Phone: (573) 526-9116 Fax: (573) 526-9193 heidi.carver@sema.dps.mo.gov | Missouri State Emergency Management Agency 2302 Militia Dr. Jefferson City, Missouri 65102 |
Montana | Montana Department of Military Affairs, Disaster & Emergency Services Division | Sara Hartley Phone: (406) 417-9238 Sara.Hartley@mt.gov | Montana Department of Military Affairs Disaster & Emergency Services P.O. Box 4789 Ft. Harrison, Montana 59636-4789 |
Nebraska | Nebraska Emergency Management Agency | Chelsea Harris Phone: (402) 471-7184 Fax: (402) 430-2252 chelsea.harris@nebraska.gov | Nebraska Emergency Management Agency 2433 N.W. 24th St Lincoln, Nebraska 68524-1801 |
Nevada | Nevada Division of Emergency Management | Janell Woodward Phone: (775) 687-0314 Cell: (775) 870-7111 Fax: (775) 687-0322 janell.woodward@dem.nv.gov | Department of Public Safety, Division of Emergency Management 2478 Fairview Drive Carson City, Nevada 89701 |
New Hampshire | New Hampshire Department of Safety | Austin T. Brown Office: (603) 271-2231 NH.HM@dos.nh.gov | New Hampshire Homeland Security and Emergency Management 33 Hazen Drive Concord, New Hampshire 03305 |
New Jersey | New Jersey Office of Emergency Management | Lt. Dinan Amin Phone: 609-882-2000 Ext 3004 dinan.amin@njsp.gov | New Jersey Office of Emergency Management P.O. Box 7068, River Road West Trenton, New Jersey 08628-0068 |
New Mexico | New Mexico Department of Homeland Security & Emergency Management | Jeremy Klass, Ph.D. Phone: (505) 479-0170 Jeremy.Klass@dhsem.nm.gov | CFM New Mexico Department of Homeland Security and Emergency Management P.O. Box 27111 Santa Fe, NM 87502 |
New York | NYS Division of Homeland Security & Emergency Services | Alison Maura Phone: (518) 473-8541 alison.maura@dhses.ny.gov | NYS Division of Homeland Security and Emergency Services 1220 Washington Avenue, Building 7A - Floor 4 Albany, New York 12242 |
North Carolina | North Carolina Department of Public Safety | Steve McGugan Office: (919) 873-5843 Cell: (919) 971-1290 Steve.McGugan@ncdps.gov | Division of Emergency Management North Carolina Department of Public Safety 4236 Mail Service Center Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-4238 |
North Dakota | North Dakota Department of Emergency Services | Todd Joersz Phone: (701) 328-8261 Fax: (701) 328-8181 Toll Free: (800) 773-3259 tjoersz@nd.gov | Division of Homeland Security, N.D. Department of Emergency Services Fraine Barracks Lane - Building 35 PO Box 5511 Bismarck, North Dakota 58504 |
Ohio | Ohio Emergency Management Agency | Steven Ferryman Phone: (614) 799-3539 Fax: (614) 799-3526 saferryman@dps.ohio.gov | Ohio Department of Public Safety 2855 West Dublin-Granville Road Columbus, Ohio 43235-2206 |
Oklahoma | Oklahoma Office of Homeland Security | Michael Darcy Phone: (405) 618-3717 Fax: (405) 521-4053 michael.darcy@oem.ok.gov | Oklahoma Emergency Management Agency PO Box 53365 Oklahoma City, Oklahoma 73152-3365 |
Oregon | Oregon Department of Emergency Management | Stephen Richardson Office: (503) 378-3316 Cell: (971) 332-0005 Stephen.J.richardson@oem.oregon.gov | State Hazard Mitigation Officer Oregon Department of Emergency Management PO Box 14370 Salem, Oregon 97309-5062 |
Pennsylvania | Pennsylvania Emergency Management Agency | Richard (Rick) Deal Office: (717) 651-2711 Mobile: (717) 433-3178 rdeal@pa.gov | Pennsylvania Emergency Management Agency 1310 Elmerton Avenue Harrisburg, Pennsylvania 17110 |
Puerto Rico | Office for Public Security Affairs | Margarita Mosquera (787) 273-8196 mmosquera@cor3.pr.gov | Government of Puerto Rico Central Recovery and Reconstruction Office Post Office Box 42001 San Juan, Puerto Rico 00940-2001 |
Rhode Island | Rhode Island Emergency Management Agency | Rae-Anne Culp Phone: (401) 462-7048 raeanne.culp@ema.ri.gov | Rhode Island Emergency Mgmt. Agency 645 New London Ave Cranston, Rhode Island 02920 |
South Carolina | South Carolina Emergency Management Division | Hazard Mitigation Grant Program, the Pre-Disaster Mitigation program, and the Building Resilient Infrastructure and Communities program: Tyler Spires (HMGP/BRIC/PDM) Office Phone: (803) 737-8797 mitigation@emd.sc.gov Flood Mitigation Assistance program: Robert H. Boyles, Jr (FMA) Phone: (803) 734-4007 Fax: (803) 734-9809 rboyles@dnr.sc.gov | Tyler Spires (HMGP/BRIC/PDM): South Carolina Emergency Management Division 2779 Fish Hatchery Road West Columbia, South Carolina 29072 Robert H. Boyles, Jr (FMA): South Carolina Department of Natural Resources 1000 Assembly St. Columbia, South Carolina 29202 |
South Dakota | South Dakota Department of Public Safety | Jim Poppen Phone: (605) 773-3231 Fax: (605) 773-3580 Jim.Poppen@state.sd.us | South Dakota Office of Emergency Management 221 Central Avenue Pierre South Dakota 57501 |
Tennessee | Tennessee Emergency Management Agency | Shannon Ball Phone: (615) 946-5887 shannon.ball@tn.gov | Tennessee Emergency Management Agency 3041 Sidco Drive Nashville, Tennessee 37204 |
Texas | Texas Division of Emergency Management | Michelle Ellis, Division Chief, State Hazard Mitigation Officer Phone: (512) 936-7489 Michelle.Ellis@tdem.texas.gov Kathy Hopkins, Flood Mitigation Assistance program Phone: (512) 463-6198 kathy.hopkins@twdb.texas.gov | Michelle Ellis Texas Division of Emergency Management 313 E. Anderson Lane, Suite 100 Austin, TX 78752 Kathy Hopkins Texas Water Development Board 1700 North Congress Avenue Austin, Texas 78701 |
US Virgin Islands | Virgin Islands Territorial Emergency Management Agency | Graciela Rivera Phone: (340) 773-2244 Cell Phone: (340) 332-3051 graciela.rivera@vitema.vi.gov | Virgin Islands Territorial Emergency Management Agency 2164 Kingcross St. Christiansted, St. Croix, USVI 00820 |
Utah | Utah Department of Public Safety, Division of Emergency Management | Kathy Holder Cell Phone: (385) 315-3566 kcholder@utah.gov | Utah Division of Emergency Management 4315 S. 2700 W. 2nd Floor, Suite 2200 Taylorsville, UT 84129-2128 |
Vermont | Vermont Department of Public Safety – Homeland Security Unit | Stephanie Smith Phone: (802) 989-6793 stephanie.a.smith@vermont.gov | Vermont Emergency Management 45 State Drive Waterbury, Vermont 05671 |
Virginia | Virginia Department of Emergency Management | Debbie Messmer Phone: (804) 267-7732 Debbie.Messmer@vdem.virginia.gov | Virginia Department of Emergency Management 10501 Trade Court North Chesterfield, Virginia 23236 |
Washington | Washington State Military Department – Emergency Management Division | Tim Cook Phone: (253) 512-7072 Fax: (253) 512-7207 tim.cook@mil.wa.gov | Washington Emergency Management MS: TA-20, Bldg 20 Camp Murray, Washington 98430-5122 |
West Virginia | West Virginia Division of Emergency Management | Gabriel Reed Phone: (304) 414-7673 Gabriel.a.reed@wv.gov | WV Division of Homeland Security and Emergency Management State Hazard Mitigation Officer 2403 Fairlawn Ave. Dunbar, WV 25064 |
Wisconsin | Wisconsin Emergency Management – Department of Military Affairs | Heather Thole Phone: (608) 282-5301 Heather.Thole@widma.gov | Wisconsin Emergency Management 2400 Wright Street P.O. Box 7865 Madison, Wisconsin 53707-7865 |
Wyoming | Wyoming Office of Homeland Security | Shamika McDonald Phone: (307) 777-4914 Fax: (307) 635-6017 shamika.mcdonald1@wyo.gov | Wyoming Office of Homeland Security 5500 Bishop Blvd, East Door Cheyenne, Wyoming 82002 |