alert - warning

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Acronyms and Abbreviations

AAMPAmbient Air Modeling Plan
ACHydrogen cyanide
ACGIHAmerican Conference of Governmental Industrial Hygienists
AEGLAcute Exposure Guideline Level
ATSDRAgency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry (of HHS)
AUESAmerican University Experimental Station
BMDBenchmark Dose
BZ3-Quinuclidinyl benzilate
CA-RELCalifornia EPA’s Reference Exposure Level
CAFSChemical Agent Filtration System
CalEPACalifornia Environmental Protection Agency
CAMEOComputer-Aided Management of Emergency Operations
CDCCenters for Disease Control and Prevention
CERCLAComprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act
CGCarbonyl chloride (phosgene)
CIRCritical Information Requirements
CKCyanogen chloride
COACourse of Action
CONOPsConcept of Operations
CSFOral/Cancer Slope Factor
CSMConceptual Site Model
CWAChemical Warfare Agent
CXPhosgene oxime
DDOEDistrict of Columbia Department of the Environment
DEPDepartment of Environmental Protection (local)
DHECDepartment of Health and Environmental Control (local)
DHSDepartment of Homeland Security
DODDepartment of Defense
DOEDepartment of Energy
DOIDepartment of Interior
DOTDepartment of Transportation
DUDecontamination Unit
ECSEngineering Control System
EOCEmergency Operations Center
EPAEnvironmental Protection Agency
ERPGEmergency Response Planning Guideline
ES&HEnvironmental Safety and Health
EUEnvironmental Unit
FBIFederal Bureau of Investigation
FEMAFederal Emergency Management Agency
FGAFourth Generation Agent
FSLTTFederal, state, local, tribal and territorial
FUDSFormerly Used Defense Site
GPLGeneral Population Limit
HASPHealth and Safety Plan
HAZMATHazardous material
HAZWOPERHazardous Waste Operations and Emergency Response Standard (29 CFR 1910.120)
HBESLHealth-Based Environmental Screening Level
HDSulfur mustard
HEASTHealth Effects Assessment Summary Table
HHSDepartment of Health and Human Services
HIHazard Index
HNNitrogen mustard
HSPDHomeland Security Presidential Directive
HSRPHomeland Security Research Program
HVACHeating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning System
IABInformation Analysis Brief
IAPIncident Action Plan
ICIncident Commander
ICSIncident Command System
IC/UCIncident Command/Unified Command
IDLHImmediately dangerous to life or health
IMAACInteragency Modeling and Atmospheric Assessment Center
IRISIntegrated Risk Information System
IUPACInternational Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry
IURInhalation Unit Risk
JFOJoint Field Office
JICJoint Information Center
KowOctanol-water partition coefficient
LOAELLowest observed adverse effect level
LOCLevel of Concern
µg/cm2Micrograms per square centimeter
µg/m3Micrograms per cubic meter
mg/kg-dayMilligrams per kilograms of body weight per day
mg/LMilligrams per liter
mg/m3Milligrams per cubic meter
MCLMaximum Contaminant Level
MRLMinimum Risk Level
NASNational Academy of Science
NIMSNational Incident Management System
NIOSHNational Institute for Occupational Safety and Health
NOAELNo observed adverse effect level
NRCNational Research Council
NRFNational Response Framework
NRTU.S. National Response Team
NSFNational Strike Force
NSTCNational Science and Technology Council
NTANon-Traditional Agent
OSHAOccupational Safety and Health Administration
OSTPOffice of Science and Technology Policy
PALProvisional Advisory Level
PELPermissible Exposure Limits
PIOPublic Information Officer
PODPoint of Departure
POIPoint of Interest
PPBParts per billion
PPEPersonal protective equipment
PPMParts per million
PPRTVProvisional Peer-Reviewed Toxicity Value
QAPPQuality Assurance Project Plan
QSARQuantitative Structure Activity Relationship
RAGSRisk Assessment Guidance for Superfund
RAPRemedial Action Plan
RBCRisk Based Concentration
RELRecommended Exposure Limit
RfCInhalation reference concentration
RfDOral reference dose
RI/FSRemedial investigation/feasibility study
SAPSampling and Analysis Plan
SCBASelf-contained breathing apparatus
SLTTState, local, tribal and territorial
SSCScience Support Coordinator
STARTSuperfund Technical Assessment and Response Team
STELShort-term Exposure Limit
STSCSuperfund Health Risk Technical Support Center
TEELTemporary Emergency Exposure Level
TICToxic Industrial Chemical
TIMToxic Industrial Material
TLVThreshold Limit Values
TSDTechnical Support Document
TWATime Weighted Average
UCUnified Command
USACEUnited States Army Corps of Engineers
USCGUnited States Coast Guard
USDAUnited States Department of Agriculture
USGSUnited States Geological Survey
VXO-Ethyl S-(2-diisopropylaminoethyl) methylphosphonothiolate
WMPWaste Management Plan
WPLWorker Population Limit
2-PAM Cl2-pyridine aldoxime methyl chloride