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Executive Order 11988 Floodplain Management

Issued in May 1977, this Executive Order directs Federal Agencies to:

  1. assert leadership in reducing flood losses and losses to environmental values served by floodplains;
  2. avoid actions located in or adversely affecting floodplains unless there is no practicable alternative;
  3. take action to mitigate losses if avoidance is not practicable; and
  4. establishes a process for flood hazard evaluation based upon the 100-year base flood standard of the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP). It also directed Federal agencies to issue implementing procedures; provided a consultation mechanism for developing the implementing procedures; and provided oversight mechanisms.

Under the Constitution, a Federal agency does not have to obtain local community permits to develop property within the community. However, all Federal agencies are responsible for implementing Executive Order 11988 through their own regulations. The Order states that, at a minimum, Federal agencies must comply with NFIP regulations.