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Press Releases & Fact Sheets
BATON ROUGE, La. — Renters and homeowners in parishes designated for FEMA assistance after Hurricane Laura have until Oct. 27 to register for help.
Federal assistance includes help for temporary housing, rental assistance and repair or replacement of damaged property.
Additionally, grants may be available to help with other expenses such as medical and dental care, childcare, funeral and burial costs, replacing essential household items, moving and storage, vehicle repairs and cleanup.
BATON ROUGE, La.–The public’s overwhelming generosity after Hurricane Laura is helping affected communities to start healing from the disaster.
However, an overflow of donated items can quickly exceed the needs of the affected communities. Supporting agencies may then need to redirect manpower to managing donated goods that may not meet survivors’ needs.
BATON ROUGE, La. –A Drive-thru Disaster Recovery Center will open in Grant Parish Monday, Sept. 28, to help Hurricane Laura survivors.
The drive-thru is staffed with FEMA personnel who are available to scan documents, assist with registration and answer questions about disaster-assistance programs.
SALEM, OR– If you were affected by the wildfires and straight-line winds beginning Sept. 7, 2020 in Oregon you may be eligible for FEMA assistance. However, you don’t have to wait for FEMA to start cleaning up. Just be sure to take photographs or video of the damage and keep all receipts for repair work.
PDFs, Graphics & Multimedia
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