5 Ways FEMA can Help Your Community Become Flood Resilient this Earth Day

Now more than ever it is important to consider how we can move to a more green, inclusive and resilient future. As the climate changes, disasters like flooding are increasing in strength and frequency.  

FEMA is adapting to meet these new flood challenges to help you protect your community and improve the safety of the buildings you live, work and gather in.

If you’re a leader in your community, here are the top five ways you can make a difference using FEMA tools.

1. Visit the Map Service Center and National Risk Index

Need to find your areas flood map? FEMA’s Flood Map Service Center makes it easy to search for the official flood map in your area. You can also access other flood hazard products and tools, such as the National Flood Hazard Layer, that help you better understand the flood risk in your area.

FEMA also provides flood hazard and risk data products that help guide mitigation actions. Another tool, the National Risk Index, can help you figure out the flood risk as well as other natural hazards in your community.  

2. Know Your Flood Zones

Once you have a flood map of your community and know the risks, the next step is to understand what flood zones are and the hazards they represent. Flood zones are geographic areas that FEMA has defined according to varying levels of flood risk. Your zone can be found on a community’s Flood Insurance Rate Map or flood hazard boundary map. Each zone reflects the severity or type of flooding in the area.

3. Use the Flood Risk and Endangered Species Habitat Mapping Tool

When you’re figuring out your community’s floodplain management program, it is important to also consider species conservation. The Flood Risk and Endangered Species Habitat mapping tool provides you the data you need to integrate conservation activities in into your program.

4. Help Community Members Understand Flood Risks

Homeowners, renters and business owners play an important role in reducing flood risk. Helping these community members understand how to find more information about their risk can make a big difference.

5. Protect Your Home

You can reduce the risk from flooding by buying or building outside of high-risk flood zones or making changes to protect your home against future floods. If you live in a coastal area, you should also consider protecting your home against coastal erosion.

One of the best things you can do when preparing for flooding is to buy flood insurance. Even if you are not located in a high-risk flood zone, it’s important to remember that flooding can happen anywhere.

By using these tools, you can make a big difference in your community resiliency. Visit our flood pages to learn more about how you can protect your community.


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