Region 6




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FEMA Region 6 office, located in Denton, TX, partners with federal emergency management for 68 Tribal Nations and the following states.


Visit the state's page for localized content, such as disaster recovery centers, flood maps, fact sheets, jobs and other resources.


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Acting Regional Administrator

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Acting Deputy Regional Administrator

Region 6 Resources

Risk Communications Guidebook - thumbnail. FEMA, region 6

Featured Resource

Risk Communications Guidebook for Local Officials

Find customizable templates and additional tools to support your Risk MAP outreach. Download the Resource Matrix for all Guidebook templates.

Get the Guidebook

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Use the search filters below to browse content tailored to help Region 6 prepare for, respond to and recover from disasters.

TEMPLATE: Stakeholder Newsletter Article – Maintenance

Customize this template to create a newsletter article. It will inform people about the Map Maintenance phase of Risk MAP.

TEMPLATE: Stakeholder Newsletter Article – Post-Preliminary

Customize this template to create a newsletter article. This will tell people about the Post-Preliminary phase of Risk MAP.

Using the Discovery Report to Help Reduce Risk – Discovery

Learn how to use the new Discovery Report to guide your mitigation and planning.

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Exercise Officer

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Technological Hazards
Oscar Martinez

Tribal Affairs

Regional News and Information

Event Date(s): -
The Claims Office is holding a Mobile Connects at New Mexico Highlands University on Tuesday, February 4. Stop by any time from 2 p.m. to 6 p.m. MST to complete a Notice of Loss (NOL) and start the claims process. You can also check the status of an existing claim or drop off documentation.
illustration of a calendar FEMA Event | Published:
It has been just over three months since former President Joe Biden declared a major disaster for the state of New Mexico following the Oct. 19-20 Severe Storm and Flooding in Chaves County. To date, more than $24.6 million in federal assistance has been approved for New Mexican families affected by the disaster.
illustration of page of paper Press Release | Published:
FEMA and the New Mexico Department of Homeland Security and Emergency Management (NMDHSEM) caution Chaves County residents impacted by the Oct. 19-20 Storm and Flooding to be aware of post-disaster fraud and scams. Attempts to scam residents can be made over the phone, by mail or email, through the internet or in person. It is important to remain alert, as con artists are creative and resourceful. If an offer sounds too good to be true, it should be questioned.
illustration of page of paper Press Release | Published:
A single inch of floodwater can cause up to $25,000 of damage to a home, and can occur anywhere and often catches homeowners, renters, and business owners by surprise, leaving them unprepared and vulnerable.
illustration of page of paper Press Release | Published:
The deadline for applying to FEMA for federal disaster assistance has passed, and while the Roswell Disaster Recovery Center will close permanently at 5 p.m., Saturday, Jan. 18, FEMA is not leaving Chaves County. FEMA continues working with the New Mexico Department of Homeland Security and Emergency Management (NMDHSEM) to help survivors and communities in their recovery from the Oct. 19-20 severe storm and flooding.
illustration of page of paper Press Release | Published:
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