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Texas: Jefferson County’s Home Elevation Project

Jefferson County will elevate 37 properties to protect homes and reduce National Flood Insurance Program paid claims.

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Jefferson County, Texas: $6.52 Million

In response to outreach by Jefferson County, more than 400 homeowners expressed interest in raising their homes above the Base Flood Elevation (BFE) or the flood of record. This project will elevate 37 properties, 34 of which have experienced Severe Repetitive and Repetitive Loss claims.

The insured properties have experienced multiple flooding events, however, did not have insurance at the time of loss. Of the 37 properties, 17 are in census tracts with Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s Social Vulnerability Index scores over 0.50.

If these homes are not elevated, they will continue to flood and flood claims will continue to rise. The county will require that homes be either three feet above the Base Flood Elevation or one foot above the high-water mark, whichever is higher. This will better protect homes and reduce National Flood Insurance Program claims.
