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B.3. Application Documentation and Assurance Forms

For FEMA to approve a subapplication, the subapplicant and the applicant must submit the necessary documentation. If an application lacks the eligibility information required, FEMA cannot determine eligibility and approve the application. If information is lacking, FEMA may request additional information during the review process.

The following documentation, which is needed to demonstrate eligibility, should be contained in the subapplication and application. Criteria may vary depending on the proposed activity, but applications/subapplications generally include all the elements below:

  • An eligible applicant and subapplicant.
  • Identification of mitigation activity.
  • Consistency with FEMA-approved mitigation plans.[189]
  • A scoping narrative that describes the proposed activities and their outcomes and contains the following:
    • Detailed scope of work that establishes the desired level of protection and/or risk reduction and describes the steps to complete the mitigation activity.
    • Work schedule demonstrating that the activity will be completed within the period of performance for the applicable program (refer to Part 8).
    • Budget that supports the scope of work, including the schedule, and reflects the total activity cost.
    • Cost share information that clearly identifies the source of the non-federal cost share and establishes that the non-federal cost share meets program eligibility requirements.
    • Cost-effectiveness information (refer to exceptions in Part 5).
    • Feasibility and effectiveness information (mitigation project types only).
  • SF-424 Family of Forms, as applicable:
    • Application for Federal Assistance (SF-424).
    • Budget Information for Non-Construction Programs (SF-424A).
    • Assurances for Non-Construction Programs (SF-424B).
    • Budget Information for Construction Programs (SF-424C).
    • Assurances for Construction Programs (SF-424D).
  • SF-LLL, “Disclosure of Lobbying Activities.”
  • Additional documentation, as required by FEMA.

Recipients are required to use FEMA’s electronic application systems as indicated by the guidance or program NOFO. For HMGP, alternative methods may be used if they are approved by FEMA in the recipient’s HMGP Administrative Plan.

The above information, collections and forms have been incorporated into FEMA’s electronic application systems. FEMA reviews forms as often as required by OMB or more frequently if program statutes or regulations require updates. FEMA will publish updated forms on and in electronic application systems.