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Get Your Copy Today! Popular Prepare with Pedro Activity Book Now Available in Six Languages

Pedro the Penguin in Chinese

From coloring pages to matching games, Pedro the penguin now helps children learn about disaster preparedness in six languages. The “Prepare with Pedro: Disaster Preparedness Activity Book is available for free digital download and mail order in English, Spanish, Vietnamese, Korean and both Simplified and Traditional Chinese.

FEMA created the 28-page activity book in partnership with the American Red Cross to teach young children about emergency preparedness. In the book, Pedro invites kids to follow him around the United States as he learns safety advice for disasters such as hurricanes, wildfires and other hazards. Last year, the activity book was the most popular product in the FEMA Warehouse. It was ordered or downloaded more than 190,000 times in 2020. This includes 52,000 copies in Spanish, the first translated version available.

Some of those copies went to Devangana Rana, a member of FEMA’s Youth Preparedness Council. She has been using Prepare with Pedro materials for her outreach since she joined the council in July 2020. Most recently, she shared the books as part of an emergency preparedness fair.

“I wanted to include the ‘Prepare with Pedro’ activity book in my fair, because the books are a great way for kids to learn more about disaster-preparedness while being creative,” she said. 

For Rana, the new translations are important to expanding access to preparedness information, as well.

“I think the new translations in different languages are incredible as more children whose first language is not English will get to learn from and interact with the material in the books,” she said. “For example, these new translations will especially be beneficial in my community, as it is home to many international students and their children who are not fluent in English.”

Preparedness materials for children can help the whole family prepare. Children are a trusted source of information in their homes. This is especially true in the one in five households in the United States where English is not the primary language. Sharing translated materials like these can encourage both children and their parents to learn more about hazards in their area and how to prepare.

The 28-page book teaches young children about staying safe in eight different disasters. It also shows them the basics of making an emergency kit and family communication plan. Kids can learn about these topics through crossword puzzles, mazes, games and more. Download the printable “Prepare with Pedro” activity book in any language on Visit the GPO website to order print books.

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