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Public Assistance Simplified Application

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Giai đoạn sự cố đại dịch COVID-19 đã kết thúc vào ngày 11 tháng 5 năm 2023. FEMA sẽ tiếp tục cung cấp hỗ trợ về tang lễ cho đến ngày 30 tháng 9 năm 2025 cho những người bị mất đi người thân do đại dịch này.

Purpose: FEMA may provide funding to eligible applicants for costs related to emergency protective measures conducted as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic. Emergency protective measures are activities conducted to address immediate threats to life, public health, and safety. Eligible Applicants may submit funding requests to the Recipient and FEMA through the Public Assistance Grants Portal.

Applicants: state, local, tribal and territorial governments, or eligible private nonprofits, submitting a request for assistance under a recipient’s federal award.

Recipients: states, tribes, or territories that receive and administer Public Assistance awards.

Recipients should work through their FEMA regional point of contacts to make sure that the following forms/paperwork have been filled out before applying for a grant: 

  • FEMA-State/Tribal/Territorial Agreements,
  • Signed Federal Grant Applications (SF-424),
  • Updated Recipient Public Assistance (PA) Administrative Plans.

FEMA has simplified the process so you can apply for assistance online through the Public Assistance Grants Portal. 
To apply for a grant online please follow this process:

Virtual applicant Briefing Grants Portal account Creation and RPA COVID-19 streamlined Project Application FEMA and Recipient Review Applicant Signs Project Post-Award Activities

  1. Recipients attend virtual applicant briefing
    1. Those interested in attended a briefing should contact state, local, tribal and territorial governments.
  2.  Log on and create account at Public Assistance (PA) Grants Portal and create an account
  3.  Submit a Request for Public Assistance (RPA). Please see this video for additional guidance to Submit a Request for Public Assistance
  4. Submit a streamline Project Application.  Please see this video for additional guidance to Submit a COVID-19 Streamlined Project Application.
  5. Submit a COVID-19 Streamlined Project Application
  6. FEMA and Recipient review documents
  7. Applicant Signs Project
  8. Receive funding through Recipient

FEMA reviews information you have submitted online including work activities, costs, and supporting documentation and may contact you if we have any questions. You can log-in to Grants Portal see the progress of your grant at any time.

Applicants who have questions about the process should reach out to state, local, tribal and territorial governments.

Related Links


*This fact sheet has been updated for clarity on April 14, 2020

