alert - warning

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Turn Alert Categories On and Off

Setting Your Alert Preferences

This is how you turn different alerts on and off in the FEMA App. On the screenshots, the step-by-step directions will be highlighted in purple.

Step 1.

From the bottom of the home screen, click “Alerts.”

App home screen. “Alerts” on the bottom navigation is highlighted.

Step 2.

Click on the location where you want to change the alerts.  In this case, it is Silver Spring, MD.

Alerts location screen. Main Location field highlighted.

Step 3.

Click on “Alert Preferences.”

Alerts screen for Main Location. “Alert Preferences” is highlighted.

Step 4.

This is the Alert Preferences screen, which is starting point for changing your alert settings.

In this example, we are going to turn off all alert types under “Winter Weather.” Click on the right arrow in the highlighted “Winter Weather” tab.

Alert Preferences screen. “Winter Weather” toggle is highlighted

Step 5.

Click the highlighted “Toggle All” switch to turn off all alerts to turn off all alerts.

Winter Weather screen. “Toggle All” option is highlighted. All weather type options are on.

Step 6.

All the alert types under Winter Weather have had the toggle turn from blue to black. This means those alerts are now turned off. None of these alert types will be sent to your device anymore.

Winter Weather screen. “Toggle All” is highlighted. All weather type options are off.

Step 7.

Scroll to the bottom of this screen and click the “Close” button.

“Close” button  at the bottom of the Winter Weather screen is highlighted

Step 8.

You are on the Alert Preferences screen. Notice the Winter Weather toggle selection highlighted is now clicked left with a black background. These alerts are turned off.

Alert Preferences screen. Toggle switched off next to “Winter Weather” is highlighted.

Step 9.

Click on the left arrow at the top of the screen to go back to the Alerts section.

Alert Preferences screen. Back arrow in top left corner highlighted.

Step 10.

You are now back on the Alerts page. Use the icons at the bottom of the app to move to the different areas within the app.

Alerts location screen.