alert - warning

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Turn on Special Weather Statement Alerts

Turning on a Specific Alert Type

This is how you turn on the Special Weather Statements on the FEMA App. On the following screens, the  step-by-step directions will be highlighted in purple.

Step 1.

Click “Alerts.”

App Home screen. “Alerts” on bottom navigation highlighted.

Step 2.

Click on the location you want to have Special Weather Statements activated.

Alerts screen. Main Location field highlighted.

Step 3.

Click on “Alert Preferences.”

Alerts screen for Main Location. “Alert Preferences” button highlighted.

Step 4.

Click the right arrow on “Thunderstorms and Tornadoes.”

Alert Preferences screen. “Thunderstorms & Tornadoes” weather type highlighted.

Step 5.

You will see “Special Weather Statement” at the bottom of this screen with the toggle switched off (with the black background).

Thunderstorms & Tornadoes alerts screen. Highlighted toggle next to “Special Weather Statement” is off.

Step 6.

Click the “Special Weather Statement” toggle switch on. The background of the toggle will turn from black to blue.

: Thunderstorms & Tornadoes alerts screen. Highlighted toggle next to “Special Weather Statement” is now on.

Step 7.

Click on “Close” and go back to using the app.

Close” button is highlighted from the bottom of the Thunderstorms & Tornadoes alerts screen.

You now have the Special Weather Statements enabled on the app.