State, FEMA Continue Working on Tennessee Disaster Recovery

Release Date Release Number
FEMA-4476-DR NR 022
Release Date:
May 5, 2020

NASHVILLE – The deadline for individuals and households in Davidson, Putnam and Wilson counties to apply for FEMA disaster assistance has passed, but work continues on Tennessee’s recovery from the March 3 tornadoes.

Survivors in Davidson, Putnam and Wilson counties who registered with FEMA can check the status of their applications, ask questions and get information in several ways:

  • By visiting
  • Downloading the FEMA App for smartphones
  • Calling 800-621-3362 (800-462-7585 TTY). Multilingual operators are available.

Survivors who were unable to register before the deadline and who can provide justification for late registration may contact FEMA and request consideration for disaster assistance.

As of May 4, more than $11.7 million in federal grants and loans have been approved for homeowners, renters and businesses in the three counties. FEMA has approved $2,278,498 for 707 households, including $1,681,196 for housing expenses and $597,301 for other disaster-related needs. The U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA) has approved $9,454,700 in disaster loans for businesses, homeowners and renters.

FEMA inspectors completed 2,054 home inspections and Disaster Survivor Assistance teams canvassed more than 6,000 homes to provide residents with information and assist with registration. Disaster Recovery Centers received more than 1,500 visits.

FEMA continues to coordinate with the State of Tennessee on reimbursement for emergency services, debris removal and repair or replacement of damaged public infrastructure, and for funding to mitigate against losses from future storms.


FEMA’s mission is helping people before, during, and after disasters.

The U.S. Small Business Administration is the federal government’s primary source of money for the long-term rebuilding of disaster-damaged private property. SBA helps businesses of all sizes, private nonprofit organizations, homeowners and renters fund repairs or rebuilding efforts and cover the cost of replacing lost or disaster-damaged personal property. For more information, applicants may contact SBA’s Disaster Assistance Customer Service Center at 800-659-2955. TTY users may also call 800-877-8339. Applicants may also email or visit SBA at

Last updated