FEMA Media Library

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Procedure Memorandum 51: Guidance for Mapping of Non-Levee Embankments Previously Identified as Accredited (February 2009) SUPERSEDED

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The Defense Production Act Committee Report to Congress

The department replaced all of their 2.5 inch hoses with 5-inch high-volume hoses as well as upgraded connectors
All-Volunteer Fire Department Contains Blaze and Saves Ambulance Station Photo

The department replaced all of their 2.5-inch hoses with 5-inch high-volume hoses as well as upgraded connectors

A flooded street with a house and two cars
Homepage Illustrations - House Flood with two cars

An icon of a stopwatch is in a blue circle
KPF Icon: Stopwatch

Image showing Capability and Capacity-Building Activities. From top, Flood Hazard Mitigation Plans, Technical Assistance to States, Project Scoping, Additional C&CB Activities.
Capability and Capacity-Building Activities

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Managing Floodplains Evaluation Form

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Finding of No Significant Impact (FONSI) for Vermont Route 9 Whetstone Brook Flood Mitigation Project, PDMC-PJ-01-VT-2018-002, signed 2/7/2022

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Signed FONSI for HMGP 1603-0332, August 2015

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Guidelines and Specifications for Flood Hazard Mapping Partners, Appendix B: Guidance for Converting to the North American Vertical Datum (Feb 2002)