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National Dam Safety Advisory Committees

This page describes the Interagency Committee on Dam Safety (ICODS), including current agencies represented on this group.

Interagency Committee on Dam Safety

The Interagency Committee on Dams Safety (ICODS) was founded in 1980 to encourage the establishment and maintenance of effective federal programs and policies, and guidelines to enhance dam safety and security. The committee serves as the permanent forum for the coordination of federal activities in dam safety and security. FEMA also chairs the committee.

Interagency Committee on Dam Safety Members

Kayed Lakhia – Acting Chair
Director, FEMA National Dam Safety Program
Federal Insurance and Mitigation Administration

Jacob Davis
Dam Safety Program Manager
U.S. Army Corp of Engineers

David Capka
Deputy Director, Division of Dam Safety and Inspections
Federal Energy Regulatory Commission

Kenneth R. See
Senior Hydrologist/NRC Dam Safety Officer
U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission

Jennifer L. Dodd, PE
GM, River Operations – Dam Safety
Tennessee Valley Authority

Maurice B. Haygood
Safety Engineer
Department of Energy - Office of Worker Safety and Health Policy

James Demby
National Design Engineer
Engineering Division ‑ USDA/NRCS

Robert Pike
Chief-Dam Safety Officer
U.S. Bureau of Reclamation

Lorena Soriano
U.S. Section, International Boundary and Water Commission

Jarrod Durig
DOL - Mine Safety and Health Administration (MSHA)

Kelly Brom
Eastern Region Dams Program Manager
U.S. Forest Service

Richard (Ed) Everaert  
Dam Safety Officer
Bureau of Land Management

Kate Ashbire
National Weather Service, NOAA, DOC

Michelle Yezierski
Chief, Critical Lifelines Branch
Sector Outreach and Programs Division
Office of Infrastructure Protection

Matthew Young, PE, CFM
Safety of Dams Engineer; Inspection & Risk Analysis
U.S. Bureau of Indian Affairs

A picture of a dam

National Dam Safety Program Strategic Plan: Fiscal Years 2024-2029

This strategy builds the foundation for what the program will look like in five  years to ensure the benefits and risks of dams are understood to enhance public safety, national security, and the environment while adapting to hazards.

Read the Plan

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National Dam Safety Review Board

The Review Board advises FEMA’s Administrator in setting national dam safety priorities and considers the effects of national policy issues affecting dam safety. In January 2025 and keeping with guidance from the Department of Homeland Security, the current Review Board members have been dismissed. FEMA greatly appreciates the time and expertise that the outgoing council members have contributed. Outgoing advisory board members are welcome to reapply.