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FACT SHEET: Recovery at a Glance – Gadsden County

Release Date:
Oktòb 16, 2019

As of Sept. 30, unless otherwise noted

Since the federal disaster declaration for Hurricane Michael, Gadsden County residents, local governments and private non-profits have received approximately $20.1 million in total federal funds:

  • 1,369 homeowners and renters have been approved for nearly $3.9 million in federal grants through FEMA’s Individuals and Households Program.
  • As of Sept. 17, an estimated $72,000 has been paid in flood insurance claims.
  • More than $9.9 million has been approved in U.S. Small Business Administration low-interest disaster loans for 336 homeowners and renters and 26 businesses.
  • Overall to date, FEMA has provided more than $6.2 million to the state to help local governments and private non-profits in Gadsden County with Hurricane Michael-related expenses.

Housing Assistance:

  • 717 homeowners have been approved for basic housing repairs.
  • 1,130 survivors have not provided FEMA with the necessary information from their insurance settlements to complete their disaster assistance registration.
  • 634 homeowners and renters have been approved for rental assistance.
  • Gadsden County was approved for FEMA Direct Temporary Housing Assistance. Eight households are licensed in to temporary housing units, and four households have successfully moved on to a permanent housing solution.
  • From October to November 2018, the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers installed 253 blue roofs in Gadsden County for families to live in their homes while making permanent repairs.

Public Assistance:

  • More than 1.5 million cubic yards of debris has been removed in Gadsden County.
  • As part of the overall $6.2 million total provided to help local governments and private non-profits:
    • Nearly $30,000 has been provided to houses of worship and nearly $2.6 million to other nonprofit organizations for their recovery projects.


