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Region 1




Contact Us


The FEMA Region 1 office — located in Boston, MA, with a Regional Response Coordination Center in Maynard, MA — partners with federal emergency management for the 10 Tribal Nations of New England and six states.


Visit the state's page for localized content, such as disaster recovery centers, flood maps, fact sheets, jobs and other resources.


Graphic that represents placeholder that is female

Region 1 Administrator

A stock figure of a man

Region 1 Deputy Administrator

Region 1 Resources

Environmental Requirements to Apply for FEMA Funding

When a community applies for FEMA funding — such as Public Assistance, Hazard Mitigation Assistance or Preparedness Grants — potential impacts to the environment and cultural resources must be considered.

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NOTE: Environmental requirements do not apply to individuals and families applying for assistance.

Find Your Flood Map

Risk Mapping, Assessment and Planning (Risk MAP) is a national FEMA program that works with states, tribes, territories and local communities to evaluate and better understand their current flood risk, as well as the actions that can be taken to mitigate and become more resilient against future risk.

Contact Us


FEMA Integration Team (FIT); Tribal Liaison
Regina Marotto

Regional News and Information

Jiska jounen jodi a, yo te apwouve plis pase $ 6 milyon pou 971 fwaye. Pwopriyetè ak lokatè yo nan konte Bristol ak Worcester ki te sibi pèt ki pa gen asirans anba tanpèt ak inondasyon mwa septanm 2023 yo ka kalifye pou yo jwenn asistans finansyè pou lojman tanporè, reparasyon debaz nan kay yo, pèt byen pèsonèl ak lòt depans ki pa gen asirans ki lye ak katastwòf yo.
illustration of page of paper Nòt Laprès | Published:
Dat limit pou rezidan Massachusetts ki te afekte anba gwo tanpèt ak inondasyon ki te fèt nan dat 11 pou rive 13 septanm 2023 a aplike pou asistans FEMA a se 15 jiyè.
illustration of page of paper Nòt Laprès | Published:
Rezidan Massachusetts yo nan konte Bristol ak Worcester ki te afekte anba gwo tanpèt ak inondasyon ki te fèt sòti 11 pou rive 13 Septanm 2023 a t a dwe rete an kontak ak FEMA apre yo fin enskri. Sa garanti aplikasyon w lan ap byen mache.
illustration of page of paper Nòt Laprès | Published:
Sant Rekiperasyon Aprè Katastwòf (Disaster Recovery Center, DRC) nan Attleboro ki chita nan Bristol Community College pwograme pou fèmen nan dat Mèkredi 3 Jiyè a 3 p.m.
illustration of page of paper Nòt Laprès | Published:
Enspeksyon ak èd FEMA yo konsantre sou bezwen fanmi yo nan sa ki gen pou wè ak lojman. FEMA defini yon anba lakay tankou yon pati nan kay la kote atè a pi ba pase nivo tè a nan tout kote yo.
illustration of page of paper Fich Enfòmasyon | Published: