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OpenFEMA Dataset: Individuals and Households Program - Valid Registrations - v1
Clef | Valeur |
Entity Name | IndividualsAndHouseholdsProgramValidRegistrations |
API Endpoint | |
Update Frequency | R/P1W |
Program URL | |
Catégorie | Individual Assistance |
Mots-clés | Individual |
This dataset contains FEMA applicant-level data for the Individuals and Households Program (IHP). All PII information has been removed. The location is represented by county, city, and zip code. This dataset contains IA applications from DR1439 (declared in 2002) to those declared over 30 days ago. The full data set is refreshed on an annual basis; the last 18 months of data are refreshed weekly. This dataset includes all major disasters and includes only valid registrants (applied in a declared county, within the registration period, having damage due to the incident and damage within the incident period). IHP is intended to meet basic needs and supplement disaster recovery efforts. See for more information.
Valid registrants may be eligible for IA assistance, which is intended to meet basic needs and supplement disaster recovery efforts. IA assistance is not intended to return disaster-damaged property to its pre-disaster condition. Disaster damage to secondary or vacation homes does not qualify for IHP assistance.
Data comes from FEMA's National Emergency Management Information System (NEMIS) with raw, unedited, self-reported content and is subject to a small percentage of human error.
Any financial information is derived from NEMIS and not FEMA's official financial systems. Due to differences in reporting periods, status of obligations and how business rules are applied, this financial information may differ slightly from official publication on public websites such as This dataset is not intended to be used for any official federal financial reporting.
Due to the size of this file, tools other than a spreadsheet may be required to analyze, visualize, and manipulate the data. MS Excel will not be able to process files this large without data loss. It is recommended that a database (e.g., MS Access, MySQL, PostgreSQL, etc.) be used to store and manipulate data. Other programming tools such as R, Apache Spark, and Python can also be used to analyze and visualize data. Further, basic Linux/Unix tools can be used to manipulate, search, and modify large files. Please see for tips.
FEMA's terms and conditions and citation requirements for datasets (API usage or file downloads) can be found on the OpenFEMA Terms and Conditions page:
For answers to Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) about the OpenFEMA program, API, and publicly available datasets, please visit:
If you have media inquiries about this dataset, please email the FEMA Press Office at or call (202) 646-3272. For inquiries about FEMA's data and Open Government program, please email the OpenFEMA team at
Full Data
Format | Adresse | Record Count | Approximate File Size |
csv | Link to csv | 25526594 | large (500MB - 10GB) |
Data Fields
Nom | Titre | Saisir | Description | Is Searchable |
incidentType | Incident type |
Type of incident such as fire or flood. The incident type will affect the types of assistance available. For more information on incident types, please visit: | yes |
declarationDate | Declaration Date |
Date the disaster was declared | yes |
disasterNumber | Disaster Number |
Sequentially assigned number used to designate an event or incident declared as a disaster. For more information on the disaster process, | yes |
county | County |
The name of the affected U.S. county, parish, borough, independent city, or other political subdivision of a U.S. state, territory, or tribal government | yes |
damagedStateAbbreviation | Damaged State Abbreviation |
State abbreviation of location of damaged dwelling | yes |
damagedCity | City |
City name of location of damaged dwelling | yes |
damagedZipCode | Damaged Zip Code |
Damaged dwelling ZIP Code | yes |
applicantAge | Applicant Age |
The age range of the primary applicant | yes |
householdComposition | Household Composition |
Number of individuals living in the household at time of disaster | yes |
occupantsUnderTwo | Occupants Under Two |
The total number of occupants under the age of two in the household at time of disaster | yes |
occupants2to5 | Occupants 2 to 5 |
The total number of occupants between two and five years old in the household at time of disaster | yes |
occupants6to18 | Occupants 6 to 18 |
The total number of occupants between 6 and 18 years old in the household at time of disaster | yes |
occupants19to64 | Occupants 19 to 64 |
The total number of occupants between 19 and 64 years old in the household at time of disaster | yes |
occupants65andOver | Occupants 65 and Older |
The total number of occupants 65 years old and over in the household at time of disaster | yes |
grossIncome | Gross Income |
Self-reported gross income range in U.S. dollars. A value of null or 0 indicates applicants who either refused to provide their income, or in some cases reported they were self-employed. | yes |
ownRent | Own Rent |
Is the applicant the Owner or a Renter of the damaged dwelling? | yes |
primaryResidence | Primary Residence |
Is the applicant's damaged dwelling his/her primary residence? | no |
residenceType | Residence Type |
Damaged Dwelling Residence Type (e.g., single-family home, apartment) | yes |
homeOwnersInsurance | Home Owners Insurance |
Does the applicant have Homeowner's Insurance? | no |
floodInsurance | Flood Insurance |
Does the applicant have flood insurance? | no |
registrationMethod | Registration Method |
Method used by applicant when registering for FEMA assistance (e.g., telephone, website, mobile app) | yes |
ihpReferral | IHP Referred |
IHP referral status NOTE: Does not include applicants referred to TSA only | no |
ihpEligible | IHP Eligible |
Was the applicant eligible for the Individual Housing Program (IHP)? NOTE: Applicants that received an HA and/or ONA award | no |
ihpAmount | Total Approved IHP Amount |
Total financial IHP award for Housing Assistance (HA) and/or Other Needs Assistance (ONA), in U.S. dollars | yes |
fipAmount | FIP Amount |
The amount of the applicant's Flood Insurance Premium (FIP) that was paid for by FEMA, in U.S. dollars | yes |
haReferral | HA Referred |
Was the applicant referred to the Housing Assistance program? | no |
haEligible | HA Eligible |
Was the applicant eligible for the Housing Assistance program? NOTE: Does not include applicants licensed into Direct Housing that did not receive an HA award | no |
haAmount | HA Amount |
Total amount awarded for Housing Assistance under IHP | yes |
haStatus | HA Status |
The most recent Housing Assistance decision | yes |
onaReferral | ONA Referred |
Was the applicant referred to the Other Needs Assistance (ONA) program? | no |
onaEligible | ONA Eligible |
Was the applicant eligible for the Other Needs Assistance (ONA) program? | no |
onaAmount | ONA Amount |
Total dollar amount awarded for Other Needs Assistance (ONA) from the Individual and Households Program (IHP) | yes |
utilitiesOut | Utilities Out |
Did the applicant report utilities were out of service? | no |
homeDamage | Home Damage |
Did the applicant report home damage? | no |
autoDamage | Auto Damage |
Did the applicant report damages to automobile(s)? | no |
emergencyNeeds | Emergency Needs |
Did the applicant report needs for emergency items? | no |
foodNeed | Food Need |
Did the applicant report a need for food? | no |
shelterNeed | Shelter Need |
Did the applicant report a need for shelter? | no |
accessFunctionalNeeds | Access Functional Needs |
Does the applicant require special accommodations? | no |
sbaEligible | SBA Eligible |
UNUSED. This field has been replaced with sbaApproved. The values will be null or False. | no |
sbaApproved | SBA Approved |
Is applicant approved for a Small Business Administration loan? Approval does not equate to acceptance of the loan as one can be approved, but not accept. | no |
inspnIssued | Inspection Issued |
Has a FEMA inspection been issued to determine damage amount? | no |
inspnReturned | Inspection Returned |
Has a FEMA issued inspection been performed to determine damage amount? | no |
habitabilityRepairsRequired | Habitability Repairs Required |
Are repairs required to make the dwelling habitable? | no |
rpfvl | RPFVL |
FEMA-determined value of disaster-caused damage to real property components, including floors, walls, access roads and bridges, electrical, plumbing, HVAC, etc. Note: IHP does not address land damage. | yes |
ppfvl | PPFVL |
FEMA-determined value of disaster-caused damage to personal property components, including appliances, furniture, etc. Note: IHP does not address land damage. | yes |
renterDamageLevel | Renter Damage Level |
FEMA-determined level of damage to a dwelling occupied by a renter. Minor, Moderate, Major, or Destroyed | yes |
destroyed | Destroyed |
Was the home destroyed by the disaster? | no |
waterLevel | Water Level |
Total depth of water affected the damaged dwelling, in inches | yes |
highWaterLocation | High Water Location |
Location of the high-water mark affected the damaged dwelling | yes |
floodDamage | Flood Damage |
Was flood damage recorded? | no |
floodDamageAmount | Flood Damage Amount |
FEMA-determined amount of damage to real and personal property due to flood damage, in U.S. dollars | yes |
foundationDamage | Foundation Damage |
FEMA-verified foundation damage? | no |
foundationDamageAmount | Foundation Damage Amount |
Amount of damage reported to the foundation of the damage dwelling, in U.S. dollars | yes |
roofDamage | Roof Damage |
Has the damage dwelling's roof been damaged? | no |
roofDamageAmount | Roof Damage Amount |
Amount of damage reported to the damaged dwelling's roof, in U.S. dollars | yes |
tsaEligible | TSA Eligible |
Was applicant eligible for Transitional Sheltering Assistance (TSA)? | no |
tsaCheckedIn | TSA Checked In |
Did the applicant check in to a TSA property? | no |
rentalAssistanceEligible | Rental Assistance Eligible |
Was the applicant eligible for Rental Assistance? | no |
rentalAssistanceAmount | Rental Assistance Amount |
Amount of Rental Assistance awarded in U.S. dollars | yes |
repairAssistanceEligible | Repair Assistance Eligible |
Was the applicant eligible for Home Repair Assistance? | no |
repairAmount | Repair Amount |
Amount of Repair Assistance awarded in U.S. dollars | yes |
replacementAssistanceEligible | Replacement Assistance Eligible |
Was the applicant eligible for Home Replacement Assistance? | no |
replacementAmount | Replacement Amount |
Amount of Replacement Assistance awarded in U.S. dollars | yes |
personalPropertyEligible | Personal Property Eligible |
Was the applicant eligible for ONA/Personal Property Assistance? | no |
personalPropertyAmount | Personal Property Amount |
Amount of ONA awarded for Personal Property Assistance in U.S. dollars | yes |
ihpMax | IHP Max |
For disasters declared prior to August 1, 2017, did the applicant receive the maximum IHP grant from FEMA? | no |
haMax | HA Max |
For disasters declared after August 1, 2017, did the applicant receive the maximum HA grant from FEMA? | no |
onaMax | ONA Max |
For disasters declared after August 1, 2017, did the applicant receive the maximum ONA grant from FEMA? | no |
lastRefresh | Last Refresh |
Date the record was last updated in the API data store | yes |
id | ID |
Unique ID assigned to the record | yes |
See Also
Access the metadata API calls for additional information: