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OpenFEMA Dataset: NFIP Community Layer No Overlaps Whole - v1

Version: 1
Last Data Refresh: 12-05-2024
Clef Valeur
Entity Name NfipCommunityLayerNoOverlapsWhole
API Endpoint
Update Frequency R/P1Y
Program URL
Catégorie National Flood Insurance Program
Mots-clés nfip community


This dataset is flattened and multicounty communities are unsplit by county lines. "Flattened" means that there are no overlaps; larger shapes like counties are "punched out" or "clipped" where smaller communities are contained within them. This allows for choropleth shading and other mapping techniques such as calculating unincorporated county land area. Multicounty cities like Houston are a single feature, undivided by counties. This layer is derived from Census, State of Maine, and National Flood Hazard Layer political boundaries.

The Community Layer datasets contain geospatial community boundaries associated with Census and NFIP data. The dataset does not contain personal identifiable information (PII). The Community Layer can be used to tie Community ID numbers (CID) to jurisdiction, tribal, and special land use area boundaries.

A geodatabase (GDB) link is Included in the Full Data section below. The compressed file contains a collection of files that can store, query, and manage both spatial and nonspatial data using software that can read such a file. It contains all of the community layers, not just the layer for which this dataset page describes.

This layer can also be accessed from the FEMA ArcGIS viewer online:

Citation: FEMA's citation requirements for datasets (API usage or file downloads) can be found on the OpenFEMA Terms and Conditions page, Citing Data section:

For answers to Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) about the OpenFEMA program, API, and publicly available datasets, please visit:

If you have media inquiries about this dataset, please email the FEMA Press Office at or call (202) 646-3272. For inquiries about FEMA's data and Open Government program, please email the OpenFEMA team at

Full Data

Format Adresse Record Count Approximate File Size
csv Link to csv 29898 large (500MB - 10GB)
json Link to json 29898 large (500MB - 10GB)
jsona Link to jsona 29898 large (500MB - 10GB)
jsonl Link to jsonl 29898 large (500MB - 10GB)
parquet Link to parquet 29898 large (500MB - 10GB)
gdb Link to gdb 29898 medium (50MB - 500MB)

Data Fields

Nom Titre Saisir Description Is Searchable
id Record Identifier
Unique ID assigned to the record yes
communityIdNumber Community ID (CID)
A unique identifier given to all communities in the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP). It assists in quickly identifying specific communities and associated flood risk information when using FEMA's management systems. yes
stateCode FIPS State Code
FIPS two-digit numeric code used to identify the United States, the District of Columbia, US territories, outlying areas of the US and freely associated states yes
countyCode FIPS County Code
FIPS three-digit numeric code used to identify counties and county equivalents in the United States, the District of Columbia, US territories, outlying areas of the US and freely associated states. Please note that Indian Reservations are not counties and thus will not have a FIPS county code. Multiple counties may exist and are delimited with a pipe (|) character. yes
censusGeoid Census Geoid
Numeric code that uniquely identify all administrative/legal and statistical geographic areas for which the Census Bureau tabulates data. yes
county County
The name of a U.S. county, parish, borough, independent city or other political subdivision of a U.S. state or territory. Multiple counties may exist and are delimited with a pipe (|) character. yes
communityName Community Name
Name of the NFIP community, generally, representing the lowest level of government with land use authority. Not every city or town is recognized as its own community with the NFIP. Each state or territory determines land use authority granted to counties/parishes/boroughs, towns/cities, tribal area, etc. within their own jurisdiction yes
communityNameShort Community Name Short
A shortened version of the Community Name - stripped of any suffice such as "Town of" yes
censusYear Census Year
The Census Year assiciated with the data. yes
censusPopulationEntire Census Population Entire
Census Population derived from blocks: Entire Community yes
censusHousingUnitsEntire Census Housing Units Entire
Census Housing Units derived from blocks: Entire Community yes
landAreaEntire Land Area Entire
Land area of an entire community in square kilometers. yes
censusPopulationPunched Census Population Punched
Census Population derived from blocks: Remainder after flattening yes
censusHousingUnitsPunched Census Housing Units Punched
Census Housing Units derived from blocks: Remainder after flattening yes
landAreaPunched Land Area Punched
Area of community after flattening in square kilometers. yes
cisType CIS Type
CIS Government Unit (Derived from CIS Name) yes
cisSource CIS Source
Source of CIS data; typically PIVOT yes
geometrySource Geometry Source
Source of geometry yes
alternateName Alternate Name
Alternate non-census name yes
censusClassCodes Census Class Codes
Census Class codes: yes
censusFunctionalStatusCodes Census Functional Status Codes
Census Functional status codes: yes
layerTypeCode Layer Type Code
Includes the following types: Tribe, County, Consolidated City, Statistical Area, SLUA, Place (multi-county), Maine Town/Township, County Subdivision, Place yes

See Also

Access the metadata API calls for additional information: