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Building Code Funding Opportunities

Release Date:
Septembre 18, 2024

There are numerous FEMA and other federal funding opportunities for state, local, tribal and territorial governments that aid in activities about building codes. This resource helps route users to those opportunities.

Building Resilient Infrastructure and Communities Funding for Building Code Projects

BRIC's Capability- and Capacity-Building activities enhance the applicant's current workforce's knowledge, skills, and expertise to expand or improve the administration of mitigation assistance. Capability and Capacity Building activities can only be submitted under the state or territory allocation and tribal set-aside. All applicants need to ensure their Capability- and Capacity-Building activities up to $1 million are prioritized and ranked within FEMA Grants Outcomes (FEMA GO).

  • Open to: States, territories and federally recognized tribes
  • Eligible activities: Building Codes, Partnerships Project Scoping, Mitigation Planning and Planning-Related Activities

Note: Building code activities are not eligible for funding under BRIC's national competition. FEMA encourages the adoption of current, natural hazard-resistant building codes. Refer to BRIC Building Code Activities to learn more.

National Earthquake Hazards Reduction Program’s State Assistance Grant Program

The FEMA NEHRP State Assistance Grant Program is designed to increase and enhance the effective implementation of earthquake risk reduction at the regional, state, and local levels by making funding available through annual, non-competitive grants for individual states and territories. FEMA also provides grant funding to nonprofit organizations and institutions of higher education for multi-state and national earthquake assistance.

Hazard Mitigation Grant Program

FEMA's Hazard Mitigation Grant Program provides funding to state, local, tribal and territorial governments to develop hazard mitigation plans and rebuild in a way that reduces or mitigates disaster losses in their communities. This grant funding is available after a presidentially declared disaster.

  • Open to: State, territories and tribal governments submit on behalf of sub-applicants after a presidential major disaster declaration.
  • Eligible Code Activities: Post-Disaster Code Enforcement.

Hazard Mitigation Grant Program Post-Fire Funding

FEMA's Hazard Mitigation Grant Program (HMGP) has Post-Fire assistance available to help communities implement hazard mitigation measures after wildfire disasters.

  • Open to: State, territories and tribal governments with a FEMA-approved mitigation plan affected by fires that resulted in a Fire Management Assistance Grant declaration on or after Oct. 5, 2018.
  • Eligible Code Activities: Building Code Improvements: Evaluate or implement building codes that reduce risk, enhance existing building codes to incorporate more current requirements or higher standards, and develop professional workforce capabilities.

New HMGP and HMGP Post-Fire 5 Percent Codes and Standards Initiative

Applicants may apply for up to 5% of the HMGP ceiling or HMGP Post Fire award for codes and standards activities. The 5 Percent Codes and Standards offers expanded eligibility for a variety of codes and standards activities. This funding source must be used for codes and standards activities and may be paired with the 5 Percent Initiative for a total of up to 10% of the HMGP ceiling or HMGP Post Fire award. For more detail, refer to the 2024 HMA Guide, Part 11.F.1.4.

In general, both HMGP and HMGP Post Fire offer:

  • Advance assistance: Advance assistance is authorized by Section 404(e) of the Stafford Act,271 which allows advancing up to 25% of the HMGP ceiling or HMGP Post Fire award. For more detail, refer to the 2024 HMA Guide, Part 11.B.
  • 5 Percent Initiative: Up to 5% of the recipient’s HMGP ceiling or HMGP Post Fire award may be used for hazard mitigation measures that are difficult to evaluate against traditional program cost effectiveness. For more detail, refer to the 2024 HMA Guide, Part 10.A.7.1.
  • 7 Percent planning: Up to 7% of the recipient’s HMGP ceiling or HMGP Post Fire award may be used for mitigation planning activities in compliance with 44 CFR 201.3(c)(4). For more detail, refer to the 2024 HMA Guide, Part 11.A.2.4.
  • 5 Percent Codes and Standards: Up to 5% of the recipient’s HMGP ceiling or HMGP Post Fire award may be used for codes and standards mitigation activities. For more detail, refer to the 2024 HMA Guide, Part 11.F.1.4.

Applying for Building Code and Floodplain Management Administration and Enforcement Reimbursement through FEMA’s Public Assistance Program 

FEMA is authorized to provide assistance to state and local governments for building code and floodplain management administration and enforcement. This includes inspections for substantial damage compliance and base and overtime wages for extra hires to facilitate the implementation and enforcement of adopted building codes. The assistance is available for a maximum of 180 days after the major disaster declaration.

  • Open to: Government or private nonprofits up to 180 days following the disaster.
  • Eligible Code Activities: Building Code Administration, Code Enforcement, Floodplain Management Ordinance Administration and Enforcement and Substantial Damage Determinations.

Additional information on this program is available in this fact sheet. A video that explains the public assistance funding process is also available.