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Tribal Nations Virtual Training Week

The Center for Domestic Preparedness (CDP) will host the 9th Annual Tribal Nations Training Week virtually for state, local, tribal and territorial emergency responders.
Date: Mars 18, 2024 - Mars 28, 2024
Heure: 6:00 pm - 7:00 pm
Emplacement: Virtuel
Détails de l’évènement
This focused training week will strengthen emergency preparedness capabilities and foster relationships amongst Tribal Nations and partners. All personnel who work in an emergency response capacity and are affiliated with one or more Tribal Nations, Indian Health Service (IHS) and those who work directly with Tribal Nations are authorized to attend.
You must have a promo/registration code to register for one of the courses. The promo code must be typed in exactly as it appears; it will not work if copied and pasted.
Visit the CDP website at Apply for Training to complete the online registration. Remember your FEMA SID number and Password; you will need this throughout the registration process, leading up to your attendance, and while attending training.

Emergency Management and the Public Information Officer
March 18, 2 to 3 p.m. Central Time
- Provides the responder with an overview of the national emergency response system, which includes the National Incident Management System (NIMS), the Incident Command System (ICS), and the relationship between these systems.
- Registration code: 24NV-0577 MPIV2
Hazmat and Decontamination During Storm Response: How it Affects Us All
March 19, 2 to 3 p.m. Central Time
- Discusses how flood water caused by hurricanes, heavy rain, or a broken dam can contain hazardous materials and how we protect and decontaminate ourselves in these responses.
- Registration code: 24NV-0578 OLS-V3
Active Shooter/Assailant: Behavioral Indicators and How to Respond
March 20, 2 to 3 p.m. Central Time
- Covers the fundamental elements of behavioral recognition of an active shooter such as understanding and articulating physical cues, tactical cues, and weapons cues. Additionally, directed conversation as a precursor to interview/interrogation of an active shooter will also be discussed. The Run, Hide, Fight concept for staying alive during such an event will be presented.
- Registration code: 24NV-0579 OLS-V9
Autism Awareness for Emergency Services
March 21, 2 to 3 p.m. Central Time
- Discusses the behavioral complications of autistic adults and children with autism. Identifies some of the subtle signs typically associated with individuals with autism, hazards associated with individuals with autism in a stressful emergency situation, calming techniques, and recommendations for police and fire departments to better individuals with autism in their communities.
- Registration code: 24NV-0580 OLS-V19
Hazardous Materials Personal Protective Equipment Determination and Considerations
March 25, 2 to 3 p.m. Central Time
- A comprehensive examination of the requirements and considerations for determining appropriate personal protective equipment (PPE) for a hazardous materials response. Discusses the OSHA and NFPA categorization of hazardous materials PPE; factors in determining required PPE to stock on-hand based on community hazards and threats, and for a specific incident; determining chemical compatibility of PPE items for an identified substance using various resources and tools; limitations of structural firefighting equipment in hazardous materials response; and medical screening, respirator fit testing, and other considerations for operations and management of personnel required to wear PPE.
- Registration code: 24NV-0581 HMTV2
Hazardous Materials Decontamination Determination and Operations
March 26, 2 to 3 p.m. Central Time
- Discusses the capabilities, requirements, and considerations for determining appropriate decontamination methods and means for a hazardous materials response. Examines the types, methods, and application of decontamination; reviews responder decontamination procedures (emergency and technical); reviews patient decontamination procedures (self-care, mass, and technical); decontamination site selection considerations; and the evaluation of the effectiveness of decontamination procedures.
- Registration code: 24NV-0582 HMTV3
Crisis Standards of Care and Treatment Decision-Making
March 27, 2 to 3 p.m. Central Time
- Defines and explores the potential causes resulting in crisis standards of care, discusses potential situations resulting in prioritization of care, and explores legal, moral, and ethical considerations and mechanisms for making care decisions based on limited resources or capabilities.
- Registration code: 24NV-0583 HCV1
Mass Casualty Incident Response
March 28, 2 to 3 p.m. Central Time
- Provides mass casualty triage education and practical experience in the application of the SALT (Sort, Assess, Lifesaving Interventions, Treatment/Transport) Mass Casualty Triage Algorithm. Addresses global sorting of mass casualties, assessment of individual patients, performance of on-scene lifesaving interventions, and the treatment, stabilization, and transport of patients for further treatment in a healthcare facility.
- Registration code: 24NV-0584 HCV2
Contact pour l’événement
Should you have any questions, please contact David Emigh, CDP Eastern Region and Tribal Nations Training Coordinator at david.emigh@fema.dhs.gov or 866-213-9546.