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OpenFEMA Dataset: Hazard Mitigation Grant Program - Property Acquisitions - v1
Clef | Valeur |
Entity Name | HazardMitigationGrantProgramPropertyAcquisitions |
API Endpoint | |
Program URL | |
Catégorie | Hazard Mitigation |
Mots-clés | mitigation |
Deprecation Date | 2019-01-01 |
Deprecation Message | This OpenFEMA dataset will no longer be updated and has been archived. |
Deprecation New URL | |
This dataset lists properties from completed acquisition projects funded under the Hazard Mitigation Grant Program (HMGP). The HMGP provides grants to states and local governments to implement long-term hazard mitigation measures after a major disaster declaration. Acquisition projects funded under the Hazard Mitigation Grant Program (HMGP) are voluntary and one is under no obligation to sell their home. Acquisition projects are based on the principle of fair compensation for property. Property acquisitions present owners with an opportunity to recoup a large part of their investment in property that probably has lost some, if not most of its value due to damage after a disaster. Under the Stafford Act, any land purchased with Hazard Mitigation Grant Program funds must be restricted to open space, recreational, and wetlands management uses in perpetuity
Acquisition or Buyout projects, while 75 percent funded by FEMA, are administered by the State and local communities. FEMA does not buy properties directly from the property owners. Communities may offer homeowners who agree to participate in a buyout project up to the fair market value of the home before the disaster struck. A licensed appraiser hired by the community determines the fair market value. No one is obligated to sell their home; these are transactions and prices that both the property owner and communities agreed on. For More information on HMGP please visit
Missing values - In some cases the projects are closed and the data was simply not provided by the sub-grantee or the Grantee and/or entered into the HMGP system. It is likely available as part of the paper file which is considered the file of record. While it is strongly encouraged, it is not required for this data to be provided in the HMGP system for the project to be closed out. For more information on the Hazard Mitigation Assistance - Property Acquisition (buyouts) visit This dataset is not intended to be used for any official federal financial reporting.
If you have media inquiries about this dataset please email the FEMA News Desk or call (202) 646-3272. For inquiries about FEMA's data and Open government program please contact the OpenFEMA team via email
Full Data
Format | Adresse | Record Count | Approximate File Size |
csv | Link to csv | small (10MB - 50MB) | |
json | Link to json | small (10MB - 50MB) | |
jsona | Link to jsona | small (10MB - 50MB) | |
jsonl | Link to jsonl | small (10MB - 50MB) |
Data Fields
Nom | Titre | Saisir | Description | Is Searchable |
state | State |
The name or phrase describing the U.S. state, district, or territory | yes |
city | City |
City, or cities, associated with the project. When a project involves more than one city, a semicolon delimited list of cities is displayed | yes |
county | County |
County, or counties, associated with the project. When a project involves more than one county, a semicolon delimited list of counties is displayed | yes |
zipCode | Zip Code |
Zip code where property is located | yes |
disasterNumber | Disaster Number |
Sequentially assigned number used to designate an event or incident declared as a disaster. Please Note: The data field 'Actual Amount Paid' does not exist in HMGP-Historical; any Disaster Number prior to 1239, between 1240 and 1259 will not have the 'Actual Amount Paid' data field | yes |
projectTitle | Project Title |
Name assigned to the project after submission to FEMA. This field is no longer available by the OpenFEMA API. This information can requested through the standard FOIA process. | yes |
projectNumber | Project Number |
Number assigned to the project after submission to FEMA. For disaster programs, the project number must be combined with the disaster number to be meaningful and unique. For non-disaster programs, the project number is unique by itself and contains information regarding program area, region, state, and FY | yes |
dateClosed | Date Closed |
Date this project was closed by FEMA | yes |
structureType | Structure Type |
Type of structure such as manufactured home, single family | yes |
typeOfResidency | Type of Residency |
Type of residency such as primary, rental, secondary | yes |
damageCategory | Damage Category |
Amount of damage, expressed as a percentage, to a structure relative to the market value of the structure before the damage occurred | yes |
actualAmountPaid | Actual Amount Paid |
Actual amount paid to the property owner. The column Actual Amount Paid may or may not reflect the amount actually paid by FEMA to mitigate the structure. Often the negotiated price, based on fair market value prior to the event if applicable, will be offset by duplication of benefits prior to settlement. In addition, the actual amount paid to acquire the structure from both Federal and nonfederal funds may or may not include ancillary costs such as appraisals, closing cost or legal fees, asbestos assessment and abatement and demolition costs among others | yes |
id | ID |
Unique ID assigned to the record | yes |
See Also
Access the metadata API calls for additional information: