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D. Eligible Activities

To be eligible, activities must meet all requirements referenced in the HMA Guide. Table 4 summarizes eligible activities that may be funded by the HMA programs. This table is not comprehensive, and FEMA encourages subapplicants to submit new and innovative activities that may not be specifically outlined below.

Eligible activities fall into three categories:

  1. Capability- and Capacity-Building (non-construction) (Part 11).
    1. Mitigation planning and planning-related activities.
    2. Project scoping/advance assistance.
    3. Partnerships.
    4. Technical assistance (financial/non-financial).
    5. Codes and standards.
  2. Mitigation projects (construction) (Part 12).
  3. Management costs (Part 13).

Table 4: Eligible Activities by Program

1.  Capability- and Capacity-Building
Eligible Activities HMGP HMGP Post Fire BRIC FMA
New Plan Creation and Updates Yes Yes Yes Yes*
Planning-Related Activities Yes Yes Yes No
Project Scoping/Advance Assistance Yes Yes Yes Yes
Financial Technical Assistance No No No Yes
Direct Non-financial Technical Assistance No No Yes No
Partnerships No No Yes Yes
Codes and Standards Yes Yes Yes No
Innovative Capability- and Capacity-Building† Yes Yes Yes Yes
2.  Mitigation Projects
Eligible Activities HMGP HMGP Post Fire BRIC FMA
Property Acquisition Yes Yes Yes Yes
Structure Elevation Yes Yes Yes Yes
Mitigation Reconstruction Yes Yes Yes Yes
Localized Flood Risk Reduction Yes Yes Yes Yes
Non-Localized Flood Risk Reduction Yes Yes Yes Yes**
Stabilization Yes Yes Yes Yes
Dry Floodproofing Non-Residential Building Yes Yes Yes Yes
Tsunami Vertical Evacuation Yes Yes Yes No
Safe Room Yes Yes Yes No
Wildfire Mitigation Yes Yes Yes No
Retrofit Yes Yes Yes Yes†
Secondary Power Source Yes Yes Yes No
Warning System (excluding earthquake early warning system) Yes Yes Yes No
Earthquake Early Warning System Yes Yes Yes No
Aquifer Recharge, Storage and Recovery Yes Yes Yes Yes***
Innovative Mitigation Project†† Yes Yes Yes Yes
3. Management Costs
Eligible Activities HMGP HMGP Post Fire BRIC FMA
Management Costs Yes Yes Yes Yes

* For FMA, new plans and plan updates must provide for the reduction of flood losses to structures for which National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP) coverage is available.[96]

** For FMA, non-localized flood risk reduction projects such as dikes, levees, floodwalls, seawalls, groins, jetties, dams and large-scale waterway channelization projects are not eligible unless the administrator specifically determines in approving a mitigation plan that such activities are the most cost-effective mitigation activities for the National Flood Mitigation Fund.

*** For FMA, aquifer recharge, storage and recovery projects may be eligible under FMA if the purpose of the project is to provide flood mitigation benefits to NFIP participating communities and is demonstrated to eliminate future claims against the NFIP.

Only flood-related retrofitting projects are eligible.

†† Innovative Capability- and Capacity-Building Activities and Innovative Mitigation Projects not described in the HMA Guide will be evaluated on their own merit against program requirements. Eligible activities will be approved on a case-by-case basis if assistance is available.