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E. Grants Management Regulations

Grants management plays an integral part in implementing HMA programs and dictates the procedures for FEMA officials responsible for administering funds during program implementation.

On Dec. 26, 2014, the Department of Homeland Security adopted the Uniform Administrative Requirements, Cost Principles, and Audit Requirements for Federal Awards (Administrative Requirements), which are codified in 2 CFR Part 200.[43]

2 CFR Part 200 generally applies to FMA and BRIC awards made on or after Dec. 26, 2014, and to all HMGP and HMGP Post Fire awards made under emergency or major disaster declarations declared on or after Dec. 26, 2014.[44]

FEMA also issues regulations, NOFOs and other guidance for HMA programs based on a program’s authorizing statute. FEMA regulations have the force of law. These regulations, NOFOs and guidance documents also outline program parameters and procedures, including various administrative processes. While FEMA follows 2 CFR Part 200 for general grant administrative requirements, cost principles and single audit requirements, FEMA HMA-specific regulations take precedence over 2 CFR Part 200 if the HMA regulation is more specific.


43. The Department of Homeland Security adoption of 2 CFR Part 200 is codified in 2 CFR Part 3002. These regulations incorporated, superseded and streamlined requirements from certain Office of Management and Budget (OMB) circulars. Upon the adoption of the Administrative Requirements in 2 CFR Part 200, FEMA removed 44 CFR Part 13 from the CFR.

44. The superseded OMB circulars and guidance, including 44 CFR Part 13, continue to apply to all PDM and FMA awards made prior to Dec. 26, 2014, or HMGP awards made under emergency or major disaster declarations declared before Dec. 26, 2014. For details, refer to the 2015 HMA Guidance.