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Planning, Decision Support, and Modeling Resources for Chemical Incidents

Planning for and responding to a chemical incident that is large in scale and/or that involves a particularly hazardous or hard-to-remediate chemical is a daunting and complex challenge. Response plans must be flexible enough to account for a wide range of incident scales, chemicals involved, and response resources available, and expect that contamination of the air or bodies of water will cross jurisdictional boundaries. Numerous resources are available to assist in addressing these challenges, including planning tools, modeling/simulation tools, decision support/response tools, and chemical knowledge databases. The knowledgeable use of these resources is crucial for efficiency and success in preparing for and responding to incidents; they provide a pathway to obtaining the timely data and information that is critical in chemical incident responses.

Pre-planning for every potential chemical release scenario is challenging due to the wide range in scope and magnitude of health and environmental consequence that must be considered. While many facilities storing/housing and using hazardous chemicals are legally obligated to develop specific incident response plans for their facilities and chemical stores, incidents that rise to the level where the facility owner/operator (Responsible Party, RP) requires assistance from local authorities may be complicated by the lack of pre-existing plans specific to the particulars of the incident. During a chemical incident in which uncertainties abound yet actions must be taken quickly to save lives and property, leveraging planning, decision support/response, and modeling/simulation tools provides responders with critical information that can be used to support efficient decision-making and effective response activities. Therefore, the incorporation of response resources and modeling tools into emergency plans is crucial.

Despite the valuable information they can provide, planning, response, and modeling tools have limitations. While some tools are relatively simple to understand and use and can be run quickly at the local level, others are more sophisticated and require more expertise (or access to specialized data sources) than is readily available at the local or regional level. Additional expertise is available through reach-back to federal agencies or subject matter experts (SMEs). Even if not required for tool use, subject matter expertise will add value to understanding tool output; consultation with a SME or SMEs is recommended whenever possible to contextualize the information and ensure accurate interpretations are formulated. Further, the utility and validity of the available tools are constrained by the principles followed during their construction.

Attempts to apply tools to tasks for which they were not designed will generate erroneous and misleading results that will likely lead to poor, potentially dangerous, outcomes; therefore, planners should understand the specific purposes for which each tool was designed. For example, an atmospheric dispersion model may be able to predict the area of hazard downwind of the release of a volatile chemical. However, as the wind shifts and the source of the hazard evaporates, that area may shrink or move. Moreover, since most atmospheric transport models are unable to model the amount of agent removed from the air by precipitation, they are most useful on clear days. In fact, models often do not account for variance in transport, dispersion, and removal mechanisms, including variances such as elevation and vegetation. Additionally, results and outputs are only as good as the input data provided. Planners and responders must understand the data input needs for the models they attempt to use; if timely, appropriate, and accurate input data are not at hand, outputs will be of minimal use (at best) and potentially dangerous (at worst).

This section identifies existing planning, decision support, and modeling capabilities that address the needs of planners and responders. Tables 3-9 identify features that will help guide selection of the tool(s) most appropriate for their needs. This list of resources is not comprehensive, but rather intended to provide a starting point for seeking appropriate tools for certain key functions. Of special note is the ChemResponder Network, a whole of community software tool for the collection, management, and sharing of chemical incident and preparedness information, sponsored by the FEMA OET. Also, keep in mind that federal modeling centers such as the Interagency Modeling and Atmospheric Assessment Center (IMAAC) and National Atmospheric Release Advisory Center (NARAC) can provide access to and assistance with multiple resources. In addition, Appendix A provides a list of databases that provide information relevant to chemical releases. Planners or responders need not be familiar with every resource listed here. Some of the tools and resources provide capabilities that are largely redundant, with only a few distinguishing features. The use of these models is by no means mandatory; however, they have been shown to provide value when applied to the appropriate situations. Prior to an incident, planners should identify which tools are best suited for the scenarios that are most likely in their jurisdiction, which tools are already in use in their jurisdiction, and which tools they are more likely to use, based on their community’s needs and material and expertise resources.

What will you need to know for selection and use of tools and resources?

  • Why and when will you need modeling and simulation?
    • For atmospheric and aquatic dispersion event characterization and consequence analysis?
    • For syndromic surveillance?
    • For population/persons tracking through facilities and communities (evacuee and relocation analysis)?
    • For situational awareness, assessment, and management of resources?
    • For location and availability of critical pharmaceuticals and supplies?
    • For environmental, agricultural, and wildlife impacts?
    • For boundaries for mitigating exposure risk for community members and emergency responders?
    • For consequence prediction for recovery phase (injuries, long-term medical impacts, economic damage, critical infrastructure disruption, etc.)?
  • How will emergency responders access tools and resources?
    • Who will you reach out to for various modeling resources and response tools?
    • Which require reach-back support, and which can be run at the local level?
    • What tools do emergency responders need prior training on?
    • What just-in-time training might responders need? Who will provide it?
  • What state-level reach-back support is available?
    • Will they automatically run models as part of their protocols?
    • How will their models be accessed?
    • Is there data they will need from you to run their models?
    • When will results be available?
    • How often will inputs and the models be updated?
    • How will the model results be reported and to whom?
  • What local data sources will provide the latest available information necessary to populate models?
    • If current information will not be readily available, what method will you establish to obtain the required information?
    • Do you have the necessary pre-established accounts for use of national databases?
    • How will you collect accurate and timely local data to populate the selected models?
    • Will you have sufficient resources (qualified personnel on staff, appropriate IT infrastructure, etc.) to support running models in-house?
  • Consider the form and content of selected model outputs:
    • Will they be appropriate for your needs?
    • Will they be understood by decision makers?
    • Are there local subject matter experts who will be available to help clarify the data and advise the decision makers?
  • Who will interpret the results? Public health officials? Emergency management officials? Incident commanders?
  • Who will act on the results?

What will you need to know for use of tools and resources during planning?

  • Select models that are appropriate to estimate the impact of the chemicals of concern
  • Identify available data sources, collect the most current input data for the selected model(s), and obtain the model results
  • Run excursions with varying input parameters to get a feel for the variability/sensitivity of the results to uncertainties in the input data
    • As more specific data become available, rerun the tools to get more current results
  • Do you need to exercise model-supported runs of the assumed chemical scenarios?

What will you need to know for use of tools and resources during a response?

  • How will you detect and characterize a chemical incident?
    • What is the anticipated timeline from initial occurrence to detection/recognition of the event?
  • How will you assess availability of medical response supplies (hospital beds, supplies, equipment, medical/public health personnel)?
  • Where will you obtain up-to-date population demographic data?
  • How will you update relevant information?
    • Identify resources for the collection of real-world data
    • How will responders mitigate risk while collecting necessary data inputs?
  • Be prepared to re-run models to guide continued response as the incident progresses and more data becomes available
    • What inputs are required to update modeling?
    • How often do models require new inputs to remain accurate and informative?

Table 3: Planning, Response, and Decision Support Tools—Operations and Response Management

ToolCapabilityReference for Additional Information
Chemical Biological Response Aide (CoBRA) CoBRA is a decision support software package for incident response and evidence collection in a contaminated environment. CoBRA can be used to determine if a site poses an immediate hazard and if specialized CBRN assistance is required. CoBRA includes: General standard operating procedures A large, searchable CBRNE reference library Interactive tools to document sites, create reports, and establish stand-off distance and decontamination procedures Tools for characterization of hazardous material, elimination of weapons of mass destruction, and identification of precautions and avoidance measures CoBRA - ESFLG Model and Data Inventory (
ChemResponder ChemResponder is FEMA’s application and website for collecting and sharing chemical data during chemical incidents, including gas meter readings, calorimetric results, observations, and situational reports, to support faster, more accurate incident characterization and lifesaving decisions. ChemResponder is accessible online and via the ChemResponder app.
Community Lifelines The Lifelines are FEMA’s framework for assessing and organizing incident information to understand and communicate incident impacts and to prioritize response efforts to stabilize critical infrastructure. Specifically, the framework organizes critical infrastructure and fundamental services into seven lifelines: Safety and Security; Food, Water, Shelter; Health and Medical; Energy (Power & Fuel); Communications; Transportation; and Hazardous Materials.
Environmental Response Management Application (ERMA) The ERMA online mapping tool integrates real-time weather and vessel data feeds with event-specific information about coastal disasters, such as oil or chemical spills, to coordinate National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) response and recovery efforts. ERMA is used to identify resources at risk, evaluate response plans, perform natural resource damage assessments, and track restoration activities.
Environmental Sensitivity Index (ESI) The ESI map application provides a summary of coastal resources at risk in the event of an oil spill. Resources at risk may include biological resources such as birds and shellfish beds, sensitive shorelines such as marshes and tidal flats, and human-use resources such as public beaches and parks. The tool is valuable for identifying vulnerable locations, establishing protection priorities, and identifying cleanup strategies.
Visual Sample Plan (VSP)The VSP supports the development of an environmental or building interior sampling plan to determine how many samples are needed, where samples should be taken, and what decisions the sample data support. It supports responses to pollutant or contaminant release events.
Wireless Information System for Emergency Responders (WISER)WISER is an extensive system designed to assist emergency responders in hazardous materials incidents. It includes substance identification support, chemical and physical properties, human health information, and containment and suppression guidelines, triage protocols, immediate action guidance, etc.

Table 4: Planning, Response, and Decision Support Tools—Medical Support Tools

ToolCapabilityReference for Additional Information
Chemical Hazards Emergency Medical Management (CHEMM)CHEMM is an HHS website and application that assists first responders, planners, and healthcare providers in planning for, responding to, recovering from, and mitigating the effects of incidents involving chemical releases. The CHEMM resource is extensive and includes: Initial incident activities: triage guidelines, decontamination procedures, PPE, etc.Quick chemical identification: links to CHEMM-IST and WISER (described in this table)Tools, guidelines, and planning: CHEMM toxidrome cards, resource comparisons, key guidance documents, etc.
CHEMM Intelligent Syndromes Tool (CHEMMIST) CHEMM-IST is a prototype decision support tool for identifying which chemical a patient was exposed to in an uncharacterized chemical incident. Tool use requires inputs such as vital signs, mental status, pupil size, mucous membrane irritation, lung exam results, and skin condition.
Chemical Screening Tool for Exposures and Environmental Releases (ChemSTEER) ChemSTEER software estimates workplace exposures and environmental releases for chemicals manufactured and used in industrial/commercial settings. ChemSTEER also contains data and estimation methods to assess chemical use in common industrial/commercial sectors and chemical functional uses. The tool does not contain methods for estimating exposures to chemicals to the general public, to consumers, or to other species in the environment.
Dermal Exposure Risk Management and Logic for Emergency Preparedness and Response (DERMaL) eToolkit This resource library provides references and information related to dermal (skin) exposure to chemicals. The information is conveniently sorted by incident phase. The resource includes a checklist for assessing risks during responses to chemical hazards and contains key questions for risk analyses.
Emergency Responder Health Monitoring and Surveillance (ERHMS) ERHMS is a health monitoring and surveillance framework to address gaps in surveillance and health monitoring of emergency responders. It provides recommendations, guidelines, tools, and training to protect responders.
Rapid Response Registry This tool helps state and local response entities rapidly establish registries of persons who are exposed or potentially exposed to chemicals or other harmful agents during catastrophic events.

Table 5: Planning, Response, and Decision Support Tools—Resource and Distribution Tracking

ToolCapabilityReference for Additional Information
NIOSH PPE Tracker AppThis mobile app tracks PPE inventory for healthcare and non-healthcare systems, calculating their average PPE consumption rate and estimating how long inventories will last.
RealOpt© Software EnterpriseThe RealOpt© suite of software tools is designed to optimize public health infrastructure for all hazard emergency response. The suite of tools includes: RealOpt-POD: Optimizes resource allocation within medical facilities (design point of distribution (POD) floorplans, determine labor requirements, carry out large-scale virtual drills, etc.)RealOpt-Regional: Optimizes large-scale regional medical dispensing and emergency preparedness (locate facilities with medical countermeasures, determine traffic routes to access facilities, etc.)RealOpt-RSS: Optimizes and manages logistics of receipt, stage, and storage (RSS) facilities and regional distribution nodes (RDNs) for medical countermeasures (Other tools within the RealOpt suite are specifically radiological)
Surge Toolkit and Facility ChecklistThis step-by-step guide for hospitals expanding surge capacity in response to emergencies includes planning materials for management, legal, facility, staffing, security, materials/resource management, and transportation.

Table 6: Modeling/Simulation Resources—General

ToolCapabilityReference for Additional Information
Chemical City Planner Resource Tool (chemCPR)When released, the chemCPR tool will provide animations, maps, movies, and reports describing city-specific chemical release scenarios that can be used to develop response plans and exercises. chemCPR outputs will include event progression, injury and casualty analysis, and infrastructure impacts that will help estimate the scale and areas of resource need for each scenario. Additionally, chemCPR’s interactive GIS capability will display Homeland Security Infrastructure Program (HSIP) Gold/Homeland Infrastructure Foundation-Level Data (HIFLD) on customizable maps.Web-based – still in development
Computer-Aided Management of Emergency Operations (CAMEO)This software suite for planning and responding to chemical emergencies includes tools to access, store, and evaluate critical information. CAMEO includes four applications: CAMEOfm: A database application for tracking information, such as chemical inventories and facility contact information, to assist in emergency response and planningCAMEO Chemicals: A database of hazardous chemicals, listing health hazards, firefighting techniques, cleanup procedures, necessary PPE, etc.Mapping Application for Response, Planning, and Local Operational Tasks (MARPLOT): A mapping application that links to CAMEOfm to store facility information and display chemical release scenarios to determine potential impacts and aid decision-makingAreal Locations of Hazardous Atmospheres (ALOHA): This atmospheric dispersion model can be used to evaluate releases of hazardous chemical vapors Jurisdictions should at minimum be familiar with CAMEOCAMEOfm:

CAMEO Chemicals:


Estimation Program Interface (EPI) Suite
EPI Suite is a Windows®-based suite of roughly 17 physical/chemical property and environmental fate estimation programs. Each program has its own unique capabilities, but some examples include: ECOSAR™: Estimates acute and chronic toxicity of industrial chemicals to aquatic organismsAOPWIN™: Estimates the gas-phase reaction rate for the reaction between the most prevalent atmospheric oxidant, hydroxyl radicals, and a chemicalAEROWIN™: Estimates the fraction of airborne substance absorbed to airborne particulates
Exposure and Fate Assessment Screening Tool (E-FAST)E-FAST provides estimates of the concentrations of chemicals released to air, surface water, landfills, and consumer products, and the potential inhalation, dermal and ingestion dose rates resulting from releases of chemicals. Modeled estimates of concentrations and doses are designed to reasonably overestimate exposures, for use in an exposure assessment in the absence of or with reliable monitoring data.
This interactive mapping application incorporates information from many federal and public agencies (USCG, HHS, NOAA, etc.) into a single visual environment. GeoHEALTH can display many different datasets and information feeds simultaneously, including local data feeds, enabling users to customize maps with different layers to visualize various features in tandem.
Interagency Modeling and Atmospheric Assessment Center (IMAAC)Regardless of the time of day or year, the IMAAC quickly coordinates and disseminates dispersion modeling and hazard prediction products to support response and tactical decision-making during atmospheric and water hazardous materials releases. IMAAC tools include HPAC, QUIC, and SHARC (described in this table), among many others. IMAAC support for exercises and planning is also available.

Table 7: Modeling/Simulation Resources—Atmospheric

ToolsCapabilityReference for Additional Information
National Atmospheric Release Advisory Center (NARAC)NARAC provides 24/7 expertise and tools to predict and map the spread of hazardous material accidentally or intentionally released into the atmosphere. NARAC tools include operational modeling systems, web-based tools, and stand-alone PC-based plume modeling and physical tools, such as EPICode (described in this table).
Quantitative Structure-Activity Relationship (QSAR) ToolboxThis software application is designed to fill gaps in toxicity data for assessing chemical hazards by accessing large chemical data repositories. Key features include: Identification of structural characteristics and potential mechanisms or modes of action of target chemical Identification of chemicals with similar structural characteristics and/or mechanisms or modes of action Use of experimental data to fill data gaps.
FLEXible Particle Dispersion Model (FLEXPART)This dispersion model simulates atmospheric transport and dispersion, and is capable of modeling transport and turbulent diffusion, wet and dry deposition, decay, and linear chemistry.
Hazard Prediction & Assessment Capability (HPAC)HPAC is a forward deployable, probabilistic chemical hazard prediction model that assists responders in analyzing chemical weapons of mass destruction (WMD) employment. Jurisdictions with appropriate support capabilities can request HPAC software from DTRA. Use of HPAC is also available by request via the Interagency Modeling and Atmospheric Assessment Center (IMAAC) and by contacting your state’s WMD-CST Team.HPAC - ESFLG Model and Data Inventory
Hybrid Single-Particle Lagrangian Integrated Trajectory (HYSPLIT)HYSPLIT is a complete system for computing simple air parcel trajectories as well as complex atmospheric transport, dispersion, chemical transformation, and pollutant deposition simulations.
Emergency Prediction Information Code (EPICode)EPICode provides rapid modeling to estimate downwind concentrations of chemicals (gas, vapor, or aerosol) released during industrial and transportation accidents.
Chemical Aquatic Fate and Effects (CAFE) DatabaseCAFE is a software program for estimating the fate and effects of thousands of chemicals, oils, and dispersants in water. It presents data in two modules: Aquatic Fate Module: Provides the structure, physical properties, and environmental fate of pollutantsAquatic Effects Module: Produces Species Sensitivity Distribution (SSD) models that describe acute effects for various exposure times to a specific pollutant, for a given species.

Table 8: Modeling/Simulation Resources—Aquatic

ToolCapabilityReference for Additional Information
General NOAA Operational Modeling Environment (GNOME)The GNOME predicts possible routes/trajectories of pollutants in bodies of water, such as oil spills. Outputs include: Weathering predictions, regarding how pollutants may chemically and physically change over time Animations of predicted pollutant trajectories Estimations for the amount of pollutant beached, floating, and evaporated over time
Incident Command Tool for Protecting Drinking Water (ICWater)ICWater is an operational emergency response system for modeling spills in surface waters. It provides time-of-travel and concentration values using real-time water flow data and external database information.ICWater - ESFLG Model and Data Inventory
System for Hazard Assessment of Released Chemicals (SHARC)SHARC predicts the trajectory and fate of weaponized chemical agents, toxic industrial chemicals, and oil transport in an aquatic environment. Use of this model is available by request via the Interagency Modeling and Atmospheric Assessment Center (IMAAC).

Table 9: Modeling/Simulation Resources—Urban/Structural

ToolCapabilityReference for Additional Information
Aeolus simulates high-resolution flow and dispersion of hazardous material in urban areas and complex terrain environments. The model has been used to develop emergency response planning guidance and is targeted for use in NARAC operational emergency response applications. Use of this model is available by request via the National Atmospheric Release Advisory Center (NARAC).
CONTAMCONTAM is an indoor air quality and ventilation analysis program that is used to characterize the dispersion of airborne contaminants through an indoor space. It predicts airflows, contaminant concentrations, and occupant exposures.
CT-AnalystCT-Analyst provides accurate, instantaneous, 3D predictions of chemical agent transport in urban settings based on detailed urban aerodynamics computations.
Integrated Indoor-Outdoor Air Calculator (IIOAC)This user-friendly, Excel-based tool estimates indoor and outdoor air concentrations and particle deposition at different distances from sources that release chemical substances to the air. It quickly estimates air concentrations from multiple sources and multiple air releases using pre-run results from a suite of Air Quality Dispersion Modeling (AERMOD) scenarios.
Quick Urban & Industrial Complex (QUIC) Dispersion Modeling SystemQUIC is a fast response urban dispersion model that computes chemical, biological, and radiological agent dispersion on building to neighborhood scales in tens of seconds to tens of minutes. This model predicts the above-ground airborne spread of chemical agent, accounting for the effects of individual buildings, in a downtown area. Use of this model is available by request via the Interagency Modeling and Atmospheric Assessment Center (IMAAC).