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What documentation do I need to include in my appeal?

Please follow instructions in the decision letter. You can appeal any FEMA decision or award amount by sending documents that show you qualify and need more help, like estimates for repairs, receipts, bills, etc. 

If you were affected by a disaster declared before March 22, 2024, you are required to submit a signed appeal letter explaining why you think the decision about the amount or type of assistance you received is incorrect. This letter is in addition to your new or additional information or documents not previously submitted. You, or your co-applicant, must sign the letter. 

If you were affected by a disaster declared on or after March 22, 2024, you don’t have to send anything else with your documents. But, you can send additional information to help explain why you are appealing. You can send a signed and completed Appeal Request Form--a copy is included in your FEMA decision letter—or send a signed, written appeal letter.