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FEMA Awards More Than $3.5 Million to Connecticut for COVID Expenses

Release Date:
Octobre 15, 2020

FEMA approved $3,506,087 in federal funding to the Connecticut Department of Housing (DOH) for Emergency Protective Measures as a result of the major disaster declaration for the state’s COVID-19 Pandemic. This funding is authorized under Section 403 of the Robert T. Stafford Act, as a result of a partnership between FEMA and the State of Connecticut Emergency Management Agency.

The Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic created an immediate threat to the health and safety of the general public requiring emergency response and protective measures throughout the state of Connecticut. In response to the event, DOH utilized contracts to provide non-congregate sheltering to the homeless population to decrease the spread of COVID-19 to lessen eminent threat to lives.

“FEMA’s Public Assistance grant program is essential to helping communities recovering from a federally declared disaster get back on their feet,” said Regional Administrator and Federal Coordinating Officer Captain Russ Webster, who oversees FEMA’s COVID operations in Connecticut.

This grant is funded through FEMA’s Public Assistance Grant program which reimburses communities for actions taken in the immediate response and during recovery from a disaster. Eligible applicants include states, federally recognized tribal governments, U.S. territories, local governments, and certain private non-profit organizations. The grant applications are submitted from the state, which coordinates the process with local governments.

FEMA obligates funding for this project directly to the State.  It is the State's responsibility to ensure that the eligible sub-recipient receives this award. Following the state's review process and upon receipt of appropriate documentation, they will provide funds to the sub-recipient on a reimbursable basis.


FEMA’s mission is helping people before, during, and after disasters
