News, Media & Events: Massachusetts

Preparedness Tips

  • Floods: A few inches of water in a 1,000-square foot home could cost more than $10,000 in repairs and replacement of personal possessions. Homeowner’s insurance doesn’t cover most floods. Learn more.
  • Hurricanes:  Hurricanes are not just a coastal problem. Make sure everyone in your household knows your hurricane plans, evacuation routes, and has several ways to receive alerts. There are also things you can do to strengthen your home ahead of time. Learn more.
  • Extreme heat: Learn to recognize the signs of heat illness, especially for older adults, children and sick or overweight individuals who are at greater risk. You can also take steps to weatherize your home ahead of time to keep the heat out. When dealing with excessive heat be sure to drink lots of water, avoid strenuous activity in the middle of the day and never leave children or pets in the car. Learn more.
  • Thunderstorms and lightning: Strengthen your home by cutting down or trimming trees that may be in danger of falling on your home. Sign up for your community’s warning system and when the thunder roars, go indoors and avoid using electronic devices and running water. Learn more.
  • Tornadoes: Sign up for your community’s warning system. If under a tornado warning, immediately go to a safe shelter such as a small, interior, windowless room or basement on the lowest level of a sturdy building. Learn more.

Press Releases and Fact Sheets

Les inspections et l'assistance de la FEMA se concentrent sur les besoins d'habitabilité du foyer. La FEMA définit un sous-sol comme une zone du logement dont le plancher est situé sous le niveau du sol de tous les côtés.
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Un mois après que le président Joe Biden a déclaré le Massachusetts zone sinistrée suite aux violentes tempêtes et inondations du 11 au 13 septembre 2023 dans les comtés de Bristol et de Worcester, la FEMA a accordé à 779 foyers une aide fédérale aux sinistrés de 4 863 642 dollars.
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Pour aider les résidents du Massachusetts ayant demandé une aide en cas de catastrophe pour les tempêtes et les inondations du 11 au 13 septembre 2023, les spécialistes de la FEMA assurent un suivi téléphonique avec certains des demandeurs.
illustration of page of paper Press Release |