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Zones désigneées : Catastrophe all
En savoir plus sur cette catastrophe

Aide individuelle
Les particuliers et les ménages de ces comtés désignés peuvent demander des services financiers et directs. Une demande d'aide, ou en savoir plus sur le programme d'Assistance individuelle.
- Abbeville (County)
- Aiken (County)
- Allendale (County)
- Anderson (County)
- Bamberg (County)
- Barnwell (County)
- Beaufort (County)
- Catawba Indian Reservation
- Cherokee (County)
- Chester (County)
- Edgefield (County)
- Fairfield (County)
- Greenville (County)
- Greenwood (County)
- Hampton (County)
- Jasper (County)
- Kershaw (County)
- Laurens (County)
- Lexington (County)
- McCormick (County)
- Newberry (County)
- Oconee (County)
- Orangeburg (County)
- Pickens (County)
- Richland (County)
- Saluda (County)
- Spartanburg (County)
- Union (County)
- York (County)
Assistance publique
Les gouvernements étatiques, locaux, tribaux et territoriaux et certaines organisations privées à but non lucratif dans ces comtés désignés sont éligibles pour une assistance pour les travaux d'urgence et la réparation ou le remplacement des installations endommagées par la catastrophe. En savoir plus sur le programme d'aide publique.
- Abbeville (County)
- Aiken (County)
- Allendale (County)
- Anderson (County)
- Bamberg (County)
- Barnwell (County)
- Beaufort (County)
- Berkeley (County)
- Calhoun (County)
- Catawba Indian Reservation
- Cherokee (County)
- Chester (County)
- Colleton (County)
- Edgefield (County)
- Fairfield (County)
- Greenville (County)
- Greenwood (County)
- Hampton (County)
- Jasper (County)
- Kershaw (County)
- Lancaster (County)
- Laurens (County)
- Lexington (County)
- McCormick (County)
- Newberry (County)
- Oconee (County)
- Orangeburg (County)
- Pickens (County)
- Richland (County)
- Saluda (County)
- Spartanburg (County)
- Union (County)
- Williamsburg (County)
- York (County)
- Abbeville (County)
- Aiken (County)
- Allendale (County)
- Anderson (County)
- Bamberg (County)
- Barnwell (County)
- Beaufort (County)
- Berkeley (County)
- Calhoun (County)
- Catawba Indian Reservation
- Cherokee (County)
- Chester (County)
- Colleton (County)
- Edgefield (County)
- Fairfield (County)
- Greenville (County)
- Greenwood (County)
- Hampton (County)
- Jasper (County)
- Kershaw (County)
- Lancaster (County)
- Laurens (County)
- Lexington (County)
- McCormick (County)
- Newberry (County)
- Oconee (County)
- Orangeburg (County)
- Pickens (County)
- Richland (County)
- Saluda (County)
- Spartanburg (County)
- Union (County)
- Williamsburg (County)
- York (County)
- Abbeville (County)
- Aiken (County)
- Allendale (County)
- Anderson (County)
- Bamberg (County)
- Barnwell (County)
- Beaufort (County)
- Berkeley (County)
- Calhoun (County)
- Catawba Indian Reservation
- Cherokee (County)
- Chester (County)
- Colleton (County)
- Edgefield (County)
- Fairfield (County)
- Greenville (County)
- Greenwood (County)
- Hampton (County)
- Jasper (County)
- Kershaw (County)
- Lancaster (County)
- Laurens (County)
- Lexington (County)
- McCormick (County)
- Newberry (County)
- Oconee (County)
- Orangeburg (County)
- Pickens (County)
- Richland (County)
- Saluda (County)
- Spartanburg (County)
- Union (County)
- Williamsburg (County)
- York (County)
- Abbeville (County)
- Aiken (County)
- Allendale (County)
- Anderson (County)
- Bamberg (County)
- Barnwell (County)
- Beaufort (County)
- Berkeley (County)
- Calhoun (County)
- Catawba Indian Reservation
- Cherokee (County)
- Chester (County)
- Colleton (County)
- Edgefield (County)
- Fairfield (County)
- Greenville (County)
- Greenwood (County)
- Hampton (County)
- Jasper (County)
- Kershaw (County)
- Lancaster (County)
- Laurens (County)
- Lexington (County)
- McCormick (County)
- Newberry (County)
- Oconee (County)
- Orangeburg (County)
- Pickens (County)
- Richland (County)
- Saluda (County)
- Spartanburg (County)
- Union (County)
- Williamsburg (County)
- York (County)
- Abbeville (County)
- Aiken (County)
- Allendale (County)
- Anderson (County)
- Bamberg (County)
- Barnwell (County)
- Beaufort (County)
- Berkeley (County)
- Calhoun (County)
- Catawba Indian Reservation
- Cherokee (County)
- Chester (County)
- Colleton (County)
- Edgefield (County)
- Fairfield (County)
- Greenville (County)
- Greenwood (County)
- Hampton (County)
- Jasper (County)
- Kershaw (County)
- Lancaster (County)
- Laurens (County)
- Lexington (County)
- McCormick (County)
- Newberry (County)
- Oconee (County)
- Orangeburg (County)
- Pickens (County)
- Richland (County)
- Saluda (County)
- Spartanburg (County)
- Union (County)
- Williamsburg (County)
- York (County)
- Abbeville (County)
- Aiken (County)
- Allendale (County)
- Anderson (County)
- Bamberg (County)
- Barnwell (County)
- Beaufort (County)
- Berkeley (County)
- Calhoun (County)
- Catawba Indian Reservation
- Cherokee (County)
- Chester (County)
- Colleton (County)
- Edgefield (County)
- Fairfield (County)
- Greenville (County)
- Greenwood (County)
- Hampton (County)
- Jasper (County)
- Kershaw (County)
- Lancaster (County)
- Laurens (County)
- Lexington (County)
- McCormick (County)
- Newberry (County)
- Oconee (County)
- Orangeburg (County)
- Pickens (County)
- Richland (County)
- Saluda (County)
- Spartanburg (County)
- Union (County)
- Williamsburg (County)
- York (County)
- Abbeville (County)
- Aiken (County)
- Allendale (County)
- Anderson (County)
- Bamberg (County)
- Barnwell (County)
- Beaufort (County)
- Berkeley (County)
- Calhoun (County)
- Catawba Indian Reservation
- Cherokee (County)
- Chester (County)
- Colleton (County)
- Edgefield (County)
- Fairfield (County)
- Greenville (County)
- Greenwood (County)
- Hampton (County)
- Jasper (County)
- Kershaw (County)
- Lancaster (County)
- Laurens (County)
- Lexington (County)
- McCormick (County)
- Newberry (County)
- Oconee (County)
- Orangeburg (County)
- Pickens (County)
- Richland (County)
- Saluda (County)
- Spartanburg (County)
- Union (County)
- Williamsburg (County)
- York (County)
- Abbeville (County)
- Aiken (County)
- Allendale (County)
- Anderson (County)
- Bamberg (County)
- Barnwell (County)
- Beaufort (County)
- Berkeley (County)
- Calhoun (County)
- Catawba Indian Reservation
- Cherokee (County)
- Chester (County)
- Colleton (County)
- Edgefield (County)
- Fairfield (County)
- Greenville (County)
- Greenwood (County)
- Hampton (County)
- Jasper (County)
- Kershaw (County)
- Lancaster (County)
- Laurens (County)
- Lexington (County)
- McCormick (County)
- Newberry (County)
- Oconee (County)
- Orangeburg (County)
- Pickens (County)
- Richland (County)
- Saluda (County)
- Spartanburg (County)
- Union (County)
- Williamsburg (County)
- York (County)
Comment une catastrophe est déclarée
La loi Robert T. Stafford sur les secours en cas de catastrophe et l'aide d'urgence stipule en partie que : "Toutes les demandes de déclaration par le président qu'une catastrophe majeure existe doivent être faites par le gouverneur de l'État ou du territoire touché, ou par le chef de tribu."
Consultez notre page Comment une catastrophe est déclarée pour obtenir des informations détaillées sur les règles et procédures qui guident le processus, notamment :
- Exigences que les gouverneurs/dirigeants suivent lorsqu'ils soumettent leur demande de déclaration présidentielle de catastrophe.
- Autorités accordant aux gouvernements tribaux indiens reconnus par le gouvernement fédéral la possibilité de demander une déclaration d'urgence présidentielle ou de catastrophe majeure.
- Comment les bureaux régionaux de la FEMA travaillent avec les gouvernements des États ou des tribus indiennes pour effectuer des évaluations préliminaires des dommages (PDA).
- Facteurs qui déterminent quand une aide individuelle est disponible.