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Virgin Islands Hurricane Maria

Virgin Islands

Période de l’incident: Sep 16, 2017 - Sep 22, 2017

Date de déclaration: Sep 20, 2017

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Ressources locales

Actualités et médias locaux

Visitez la page Actualités et médias pour les événements, les fiches d'information, les communiqués de presse et d'autres ressources multimédias.

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Recovery Advisories

FEMA building scientists have created a new series of Recovery advisories to show homeowners, contractors, builders and others techniques to make structures more wind and flood resistant.

Damage to structures from hurricanes Maria and Irma could have been prevented or significantly reduced with different construction techniques. Applying the lessons and ideas in these advisories can help people and communities be better prepared for the next hurricanes, able to recover faster and at less expense.

Download Hurricane Irma and Maria USVI Recovery Advisories:

RA 1 - USVI - Rebuilding Your Flood-Damaged House

RA 2 - USVI - Attachment of Rooftop Equipment in High-Wind Regions

RA 3 - USVI - Installation of Residential Corrugated Metal Roof Systems

RA 4 - USVI - Design, Installation and Retrofit of Doors Windows and Shutters

RA 5 -  Rooftop Solar Panel Attachment: Design, Installation, and Maintenance

How to Help

Thank you for your interest in helping the survivors of Hurricane Irma and Maria in the U.S. Virgin Islands. To help people affected by the hurricanes, visit @nvoad’s page for a listed of trusted organizations.

To make the most of your contributions, please follow our guidelines to learn the most effective and safest ways to donate cash, goods, or time following a disaster.

Helping Children Cope

Children may cope more effectively with a disaster when they feel they understand what is happening and what they can do to help protect themselves, their family, and friends. Here’s how you can help them cope.



Obligations de financement

Aide individuelle Amount
Aide totale au logement (AP) - en dollars approuvés $30,365,387.35
Total des autres besoins d'aide (ONA) - Dollars approuvés $13,746,862.48
Total des dollars du programme pour les particuliers et les ménages approuvés $44,112,249.83
Demandes d'aide individuelle approuvées 11701
Assistance publique Amount
Travaux d'urgence (Catégories A-B) - Dollars engagés $1,557,559,315.07
Travail permanent (Catégories C-G) – Dollars engagés $1,136,366,260.65
Total en dollars des subventions d'aide publique engagées $2,925,276,651.35
Hazard Mitigation Assistance Amount
Programme de subventions pour l'atténuation des risques (HMGP) - Dollars engagés $65,262,308.85