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Fact Sheet: Several Inspectors May Come to a Home

After applying for disaster assistance from the Federal Emergency Management Agency, Missouri residents who were affected by the recent flooding may be contacted by FEMA to arrange a home inspection. Several other agencies may also need to inspect the damage.

The inspections carry no cost for the resident.

FEMA must verify damage in order to process the application. Other inspections may be necessary for the processing of a disaster loan application from the U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA) or a flood insurance claim. Residents should ask for identification when inspectors arrive. FEMA and SBA personnel will have official agency identification.

Homeowners should consult their local planning or public works department to learn about permits and code requirements. In some cases, a local inspector might need to visit the home.  

Here are some of the inspections a homeowner might expect:

  • FEMA inspectors – From FEMA’s Individual Assistance program, these professionals have experience recognizing types of disaster damage. These inspectors will carry FEMA identification and may spend only 10 to 20 minutes looking at damage reported in the application. FEMA inspectors do not make a determination on eligibility.
  • National Flood Insurance Program adjusters (NFIP) – These professionals will inspect the flood damage reported on the flood insurance claim. They may ask for documentation or supporting photos if repairs have been made.
  • Private flood insurance adjusters – These representatives of insurance companies may inspect the flood damage reported on the flood insurance claim. They may also ask for documentation or supporting photos if repairs have been made
  • Small Business Administration (SBA) loss verifier – The SBA representative will perform a verification of the damage to assess the amount of funds needed to repair or replace the eligible disaster-damaged property.
  • Local city or county inspectors also may visit the home.

FEMA Disaster Survivor Assistance teams are conducting outreach to survivors in neighborhoods impacted by the disaster. These teams are not for inspection purposes. They provide information about FEMA registration and case status.

June 22, 2017



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