FEMA Case Study Library

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Louisiana: City of Slidell Elevation of 26 Flood-Prone Structures

The city of Slidell will elevate 26 flood-prone structures.

Louisiana: City of New Orleans Elevation of Severe Repetitive Loss Properties

The city of New Orleans addresses flood risk to severe repetitive loss properties.

Louisiana: City of Mandeville Elevation of 16 Flood-Prone Structures

The city of Mandeville will elevate sixteen structures prone to flooding.

Louisiana: City of New Orleans Elevation Project

The city of New Orleans addresses flood risk to severe repetitive loss properties.

Louisiana: Acadia Parish Elevation Project

Acadia Parish, Louisiana works to elevate flood-prone structures.

Louisiana: City of Mandeville Reconstruction Project

City of Mandeville, Louisiana will reconstruct two structures through mitigation reconstruction.

New Jersey: Township of Stafford Elevation of 10 Properties with a History of Flood Damage

The township of Stafford will elevate 10 flood-prone residential properties in the floodway.

New Jersey: Township of Pequannock Elevation of Seven Properties in Special Flood Hazard Area

The township of Pequannock will elevate seven flood-prone homes.

New Jersey: Borough of Westwood Elevation of Four Residential Properties

Westwood Borough will elevate homes to protect against floods and climate change hazards.

Louisiana: Livingston Parish - Acquisition and Elevation

Livingston Parish will acquire and elevate properties to mitigate the risk of future flooding.