Interagency Recovery Coordination Case Studies

FEMA develops Interagency Recovery Coordination Case Studies to share stories of recovery solutions and best practices. The case studies highlight challenging scenarios faced during recovery efforts and detail how emergency managers overcame those challenges.

Review and analyze the community-focused coordination approach the state of Florida utilized to improve collaboration and expedite recovery efforts following Hurricane Irma.

Ellicott City, 2016 - Flash Flooding Recovery

Learning Objective: Evaluate the impact that pre-disaster planning and community participation had on shaping economic recovery after a dangerous flood in a historic city.

Coordinating Federal Resources for a Non-Stafford Act Event

Learning Objective: Examine the collaborative federal interagency assistance initiative in Connecticut to address a non-declared emergency event: crumbling concrete foundations in thousands of residential ho

Learning Objective: Analyze the methods used by the State of Colorado to manage disaster recovery and unite local leaders after the 2013 flood event.
Examine how Arizona applied its Disaster Recovery Framework to leverage federal and philanthropic resources to recover from a complex, non-declared wildfire disaster that devastated a small community in 2013.
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