News and Media: Disaster all

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Delta County’s flood insurance rate map update is nearing completion. The new maps will provide Delta County and Communities with more accurate flood risk information that can help local officials and residents make informed decisions about reducing flood risks and purchasing flood insurance.
Join FEMA’s Office of Business, Industry, and Infrastructure Integration (OB3I) for the March Business and Industry Call on March 25, 2025, from 3:00 – 4:00 p.m. EDT.
FEMA’s Grant Programs Directorate (GPD) is offering a series of 30-minute training webinars on the Build America, Buy America Act (BABAA), a part of the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (IIJA). These virtual trainings will be facilitated by GPD’s Buy America Branch (BAB) and offered on various dates from January through April 2025. The trainings will cover a variety of topics related to BABAA, including roles and responsibilities, best practices, covered products, and waivers. The various training descriptions are below:
The Claims Office is holding an Advocate Connects at New Mexico Highlands University on Wednesday, March 26.
FEMA’s Grant Program Directorate (GPD) is offering a series of trainings on the federal procurement under grants rules applicable to recipients and subrecipients purchasing under a FEMA grant award. These virtual trainings will be facilitated by GPD’s Procurement Disaster Assistance Team (PDAT).
FEMA employees speaks to a disaster survivor across a table while looking up their file on an ipad.
If you or someone you love was impacted by the recent wildfires in LA County, this two-part virtual townhall is for you. FEMA and other federal partners will provide clear, step-by-step information about disaster assistance and answer your questions live.
FEMA employee kneels to listen to a disaster survivor's question or concern at a community event.
If you or someone you love was impacted by the recent wildfires in LA County, this two-part virtual townhall is for you. FEMA and other federal partners will provide clear, step-by-step information about disaster assistance and answer your questions live.
Virtual presentation offered by FEMA's Continuous Improvement Technical Assistance Program (CITAP) to provide an overview of the program, including its support to the community of practice via downloadable templates and guidance, trainings and advisory services.
FEMA’s Grant Program Directorate (GPD) is offering a series of trainings on the federal procurement under grants rules applicable to recipients and subrecipients purchasing under a FEMA grant award. These virtual trainings will be facilitated by GPD’s Procurement Disaster Assistance Team (PDAT).
FEMA’s Grant Program Directorate (GPD) is offering a series of trainings on the federal procurement under grants rules applicable to recipients and subrecipients purchasing under a FEMA grant award. These virtual trainings will be facilitated by GPD’s Procurement Disaster Assistance Team (PDAT).
FEMA’s Grant Programs Directorate (GPD) is offering a series of 30-minute training webinars on the Build America, Buy America Act (BABAA), a part of the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (IIJA). These virtual trainings will be facilitated by GPD’s Buy America Branch (BAB) and offered on various dates from January through April 2025. The trainings will cover a variety of topics related to BABAA, including roles and responsibilities, best practices, covered products, and waivers. The various training descriptions are below:
FEMA’s Grant Program Directorate (GPD) is offering a series of trainings on the federal procurement under grants rules applicable to recipients and subrecipients purchasing under a FEMA grant award. These virtual trainings will be facilitated by GPD’s Procurement Disaster Assistance Team (PDAT).
FEMA’s Grant Program Directorate (GPD) is offering a series of trainings on the federal procurement under grants rules applicable to recipients and subrecipients purchasing under a FEMA grant award. These virtual trainings will be facilitated by GPD’s Procurement Disaster Assistance Team (PDAT).
FEMA’s Grant Programs Directorate (GPD) is offering a series of 30-minute training webinars on the Build America, Buy America Act (BABAA), a part of the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (IIJA). These virtual trainings will be facilitated by GPD’s Buy America Branch (BAB) and offered on various dates from January through April 2025. The trainings will cover a variety of topics related to BABAA, including roles and responsibilities, best practices, covered products, and waivers. The various training descriptions are below:
FEMA’s Grant Program Directorate (GPD) is offering a series of trainings on the federal procurement under grants rules applicable to recipients and subrecipients purchasing under a FEMA grant award. These virtual trainings will be facilitated by GPD’s Procurement Disaster Assistance Team (PDAT).
FEMA’s Grant Program Directorate (GPD) is offering a series of trainings on the federal procurement under grants rules applicable to recipients and subrecipients purchasing under a FEMA grant award. These virtual trainings will be facilitated by GPD’s Procurement Disaster Assistance Team (PDAT).
FEMA’s Grant Program Directorate (GPD) is offering a series of trainings on the federal procurement under grants rules applicable to recipients and subrecipients purchasing under a FEMA grant award. These virtual trainings will be facilitated by GPD’s Procurement Disaster Assistance Team (PDAT).
FEMA’s Grant Program Directorate (GPD) is offering a series of trainings on the federal procurement under grants rules applicable to recipients and subrecipients purchasing under a FEMA grant award. These virtual trainings will be facilitated by GPD’s Procurement Disaster Assistance Team (PDAT).

Press Releases & Fact Sheets


It’s been just over one month since Typhoon Mawar made landfall on the island of Guam, and recovery efforts continue throughout the territory.
illustration of page of paper Press Release
FEMA has approved nearly $7 million in Public Assistance funding for work on three bridges in Carbon County, Montana.
illustration of page of paper Press Release
Renters in Guam whose dwelling sustained damage or loss from Typhoon Mawar can apply for federal disaster assistance.
illustration of page of paper Press Release
FEMA has approved an additional $145 million in Public Assistance funding for the COVID-19 response in Colorado. The assistance was made available under a major disaster declaration issued March 28, 2020. FEMA has now approved more than $1.8 billion in Public Assistance grant funds to Colorado for their pandemic response.
illustration of page of paper Press Release
On July 11, FEMA Administrator Deanne Criswell announced the new group of dedicated young people who committed to engaging and advocating for preparedness as part of the 2023-2024 FEMA National Youth Preparedness Council.
illustration of page of paper Press Release

PDFs, Graphics & Multimedia

View the Disaster Multimedia Toolkit for social media and video content to help communicate about general disaster recovery.

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