News and Media: Disaster 4673

Press Releases & Fact Sheets


Hurricane Ian survivors who applied for assistance from FEMA will receive a letter from FEMA in the mail or via email. The letter will explain your application status and how to respond. It is important to read the letter carefully because it will include the amount of any assistance FEMA may provide and information on the appropriate use of disaster assistance funds.
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FEMA is committed to helping all eligible disaster survivors recover from Hurricane Ian, including U.S. citizens, non-citizen nationals and qualified aliens.
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Generators provide a temporary source of power during an electric outage. Many Floridians are using portable generators after Hurricane Ian. Residents should be aware of safety concerns.
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Recovering after a flood can be overwhelming and FEMA’s National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP) is dedicated to getting you back on your feet after Hurricane Ian. Anyone affected by Hurricane Ian who has an NFIP flood insurance policy and has suffered flood damage should begin filing their claim now, even if you have not returned home yet.
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FEMA Administrator Deanne Criswell visited local officials in Florida the past several days to discuss the federal government’s support for survivors and communities in Florida, as state and federal search and rescue operations continue in Florida with a priority on hospitals, healthcare facilities and barrier island communities.
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