News and Media: Disaster 4673

Press Releases & Fact Sheets


FEMA Administrator Deanne Criswell will join President Joseph R. Biden, Jr. today to survey heavily damaged areas and meet with Gov. Ron DeSantis and response officials about ongoing efforts to help survivors and hard-hit communities in Florida. FEMA has already registered hundreds of thousands of households of Floridians and continues going door to door in 11 counties assisting with applications and answering questions about types of federal assistance available.  
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The State of Florida and FEMA are operating a Disaster Recovery Center (DRC) in Lee County.
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Highlands and Lake counties are now eligible for FEMA assistance after Hurricane Ian.
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FEMA has approved more than $70 million for Florida survivors to jump start recovery efforts, as Disaster Survivor Assistance Teams check on survivors, assist with federal disaster assistance applications and answer questions about types of federal assistance available. Teams are visiting shelters now to help survivors apply for assistance.
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If you receive a letter from FEMA saying you are ineligible for assistance, you can appeal the decision and provide more information.
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