News and Media: Disaster 4633

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Press Releases & Fact Sheets


The deadline for Arkansans to apply for FEMA assistance for damage from the December storms and tornadoes is fast approaching. The final day is Feb. 22. Don’t delay – if you had damage to your home, vehicle or belongings that is greater than your insurance coverage, FEMA may be able to help. Some of your neighbors in Craighead, Jackson, Mississippi, Poinsett and Woodruff counties may have already applied for and received a grant.
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The remaining State/FEMA Disaster Recovery Center (DRC) in Trumann will close permanently on Sat., Feb. 12. The hours of operation will remain the same until it closes. DRCs in Monette and Newport closed previously.
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The joint State/FEMA Disaster Recovery Centers (DRC) in Newport and Monette will close permanently on Friday, Feb. 4 and Saturday, Feb. 5, respectively. The hours of operation will remain the same until they close. Additionally, the DRC in Trumann will continue to be open until further notice.
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All survivors who apply for FEMA assistance will receive a letter from FEMA stating an eligibility decision and the reason for it. Survivors can also check the status of their applications online at, which is the fastest way to get information to and from FEMA.
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Three joint State/FEMA Disaster Recovery Centers will open next week in Northeast Arkansas to help survivors affected by the December 10-11 severe storms and tornadoes.
illustration of page of paper Press Release |

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Arkansas; FEMA-4633-DR

Report on Preliminary Damage Assessment (PDA) information for FEMA-4633-DR; Arkansas as a result of severe storms and tornadoes during the period of December 10-11, 2021.